Avni's Murder case

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The next morning,

        Neil sleeps in his bed peacefully. He smiles in his sleep as he dreams about his ladylove.

In dream...

       Avni was sitting on the bench in the park. Neil comes behind her and exclaims near her ear. Avni was stunned by the sudden noise and gets up. She turns and sees him, by her sudden turn her leg got intertwine and was about to fall, but Neil holds her through her waist. They both see each other eyes. He made her stand properly. Avni can't believe that Neil was standing in front of her.

Avni: Neil, you..., you came back, it's true, ........... oh my God Neil you came back
   By saying this she hugs Neil tightly as much as she could. Neil too reciprocated the hug. She forgets the surroundings and others thinking about what they will say, she just needs to hug him, so she hugged him. Neil broke the hug and kissed her forehead. Then they sat on the bench. Neil holds her hand and Avni placed her head on his shoulder. They were like that for some moment. Then Neil asked her to sit straight. She too done what he says.

Neil: I have bought something for you.

Avni: what was that?

Neil: here it is.
  He gave the gift to her. She opened the gift and gets happy tears and smiles by seeing him. Then she again hugged him and says thank you. Then they broke the hug. Neil then thought something and asked her.

Neil: I think, that...

Avni: tell me, Neil, what you are thinking.

Neil: Avni, I think, that at least now I deserve to hear those three magical words from your mouth.
      Avni blushes by hearing what Neil just before says.

Avni: Neil...

Neil: Avni, please 2 years I have waited for this day and I can't wait anymore. Today you have to say that.

Avni: I......

Neil: ha, say it Avni. I,

Avni: I lo...

    Suddenly Neil's dream was disturbed by the alarm sound. Neil gets up and off the alarm.

Neil: Again, it's a dream. Anyways, Avni just waits for tomorrow. I will be there before you when you wake up from sleep tomorrow. I want to see your reaction when I give you the gift. (He turns and saw Avni's photo frame and by seeing that he says) Good morning, Avni.

     Then he gets up from bed and got ready. He eats morning breakfast and drove the car towards the commissioner office happily by dreaming about how to surprise Avni, without knowing the wave is coming towards him to destroy his dream. He parked the car and enter the station. He knocks on the door, and with the permission of the commissioner, he enters inside and salutes him. Commissioner told him to sit. Neil too sits on the chair. Neil: sir, you told me about the case yesterday, which was happened in my town. And you are going to handle that case for me.

Commissioner: ya, I remember that. Just a second.
    Then he calls one of the police officers and asked him to take the red colour case file from the shelf. Then police officer moves there to take the file.

Neil: what is the case dealt with it, sir?

Commissioner: it's a murder case.

Neil: who the person was sir?

Commissioner: she is a  businesswoman.

Neil: so, she may be killed by some business enemies or...

Commissioner: No Neil, she didn't have any business competitor. Her sister has killed her. She was arrested and prisoner in jail by courts judgement, as every piece of evidence is against her. But her friend gave complained, that "her friend can't kill her sister, as they were on a good bond with each other. Just because the fingerprint is in the knife, you can't accuse her." And the court gave a hearing for her next month 10.

Neil: so we need to find the real murderer, just her friend gave the assurance that her friend can't kill her sister. Come on sir, nowadays we can't believe anyone.....

Commissioner: I know that Neil, but not only her, when some police officers enquired about them in girls college, office they were saying that they are a good sister and love each other a lot. So, I'm giving this case to you to handle and to find the real murderer. Even if it is her sister, then find the reason behind it, ok.

Neil: Yes sir. By the way, what is the name of that businesswoman?

Commissioner: Her name is.....

      Commissioner got a call from Juhi, then he attends it and spoke for some time. Then he ended the call. A police officer came there and handled the file to the commissioner and he moves from there.
Commissioner handled the file to Neil.

Commissioner: Neil, this is the file of that murder case. Whatever details you want, it is there in this file. You can check it. And if you want some other thing about this case, apart from this file, you can ask the police officer of the department where you going to join after 2 days.

Neil: yes sir. And I am leaving sir. Thank you, sir.

  Neil was about to leave, but the commissioner called him.

Commissioner: when are you leaving this city?

Neil: Today evening sir.

Commissioner: That's good. And ya, you have to call us for your wedding. You have hidden about your girlfriend, but at least give the wedding card for your wedding. We will attend your wedding to see, who the girl was.

Neil smiles

Neil: sure sir. I will send my invitation card.

   Then he moves from there. He enters his flat and kept the file aside on the file. He started to pack his clothes. He saw Avni's photo frame on the table. He took that and sat on the bed. He caresses the photo and smiles. He kissed the photo. He remembers how they met the first time, how their second meet turns into friendship, how their friendship turns into love,  her care towards him, her childish behaviour, her anger, their phone calls in these 2 years and their last fights before 3 months in phone and he remembers everything and smiles. He started to speak with the photo frame.

Neil: It's been 2 years Avni, we didn't see each other. It's been 2.5 months, we didn't talk to each other. And this time, this was your fault. Still, now I couldn't understand,  why you ask that such type of silly question to me. So, I got angry with you and didn't call you still now. And you know this was your fault. So, you have to call me to console me, right. But, no you not even messaged me. Why Avni? So, like every time I have to come first to console you, right. Ok, I will console you and ask you, why you asked me that stupid questions. You know what Avni, before 2 months I saw a very bad dream, that I can't even think about it. I saw you were...
...... K..ki.....killed by someone.
Immediately I got up from sleep. I called you that time, but your phone was switched off. Then the next day too, I called you, but your phone switched off. I asked mom about you, she said nothing to worry about her. She is fit and fine. So, I again concentrated on my work. But, still, now you didn't call me. It's okay. Anyway, I am going to see you tomorrow,  I am waiting for your expression to see. You(photo frame) just stay here, I will be back.

       While placing the photo frame, his hand mistakenly touched the file, so that the file fell on the floor. Neil placed the photo frame on the table and took the file. When he takes the file, a photo was fell on the floor, but he couldn't see the photo. Neil placed the file on the bed and takes the photo and turns to see...........

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