Unsolved Questions

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Hii Guys!!!


      AK left Neil's cabin. Neil, Juhi and DD were sitting in the chair. Neil thinking something deeply and couldn't get a clue for that. He feels that if he was with Avni then nothing can happen to her. It was all his mistake that he left her all alone here. He does not even think for once about why Avni is fighting with him without any reason and why she didn't call him after that fight. He was angry with himself for not asking her if she has any problem. Juhi who saw Neil went to some other world shakes him to bring him out of his thoughts.

Juhi: Neil, are you okay?

Neil: Juhi, shall we leave to home.

     Juhi understands that he was in dilemma. So, she just nodded her head.

Juhi: okay.

Neil: DD, check Avni's phone call records of April month with that number. If you got any clue, call me.

DD: sure Neil.

        Then Neil and Juhi went to Khanna Mansion. DD checks Avni's call records with the officer. Neil and Juhi entered Khanna Mansion. Shweta saw Juhi and Neil came. Before shweta could ask them Neil went to his room fastly and closed the door. Shweta saw Juhi and Juhi saw shweta.

Shweta: Does something happen while investigating?

Juhi: Ha, Aunty.

Shweta: Tea?

Juhi: Sure.

Shweta: ok, you go. I send the tea to your room.

Juhi: Aunty, you send two cups of tea to Neil's room after 7:00 pm. When we are discussing the case I  will have it.

Shweta: Ok.

Juhi: Aunty, where is Monica? I couldn't see her.

Shweta: Mitali has come today, as Monica called her. So they both are in babes room.

Juhi: Oh, okay Aunty.


          Then Neil and Juhi sat on the couch in Neil's room with a cup of tea. Juhi noticed that Neil is thinking about something deeply.

Juhi: Neil?

       Neil came out of his trance.

Neil: Ya...

Juhi: Are you blaming yourself for Avni's murder?

Neil: Not like that, Juhi. In these 3 years, Avni didn't fight with me without reason. But that was the fight we had without logic. At that time itself if I was aware that Avni is in the trap by someone then I won't let that happen to her. After that fight, I too didn't call her but that day she called me. Because of my work, I didn't attend it. It's all my mistake that I didn't aware of it.

Juhi: Neil, please stop blaming yourself. It was not your mistake. If you were aware of it, then you must help her. Even you will not be allowed to happen this, right.

Neil: But, At least, I must try to know what is going on with her that she didn't call me for 2 months. However I not even called her.

Juhi: Whatever was to happen, it happened. We can't change now. Neil, are you suspecting someone. It's because when we hear their last phone conversation, the murderer blackmailed Avni using you. So the murderer must know you both very well.

Neil: I couldn't doubt anyone. But I have so many unsolved questions in my mind.

Juhi: If you tell, I may help you. Anyway, we have to talk about it, right.

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