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Hii Guys!!!


             Avneil lived their life happily with their family. At some times, in sleep, Avni dreams about the incident that happens on Aug 13 and Neil will pacify her. Their life was smooth with their work and family. One day, Avni was working on the laptop in their room. Neil came after refreshing himself from the restroom. By seeing Neil, Avni closed her laptop and asked Neil to come and sit beside her. Neil sat on the couch and asked her what is the matter.

Avni: Neil, I am thinking to build a school for Mitali's village.

Neil: Why, suddenly?

Avni: After I spoke with RK sir, I did not even think to see or ask about the school as I was disturbed because he didn't trust me. But now I know there is no school build in that village. If Vidyuth didn't cross in their life then surely they would have built the school. And it's the last wish of AK sir and he asked me to do that before the trust is broken. So, iam thinking to fulfil his last wish. What you are thinking about this?

Neil: What I will say? Even after all these, you are thinking to build a school for the village people. I am really happy and proud of you. I will support you in every decision of yours. My happiness is your happiness. So, do whatever makes you happy, automatically it will make me happy.

           Avni smiles and kept her head on his shoulder by holding his hand.
Neil kissed her head.

Neil: When are you going to meet Mitali?

                 Avni gets up and saw Neil.

Avni: Why do I have to meet her?

Neil: What stupid question, Avni? Of course, the land must be in her name after RK sir dead. So, you have to speak with her only na.

Avni: Neil, please go and speak. I can't speak with her.

Neil: How can I? Avni, are you angry with her still for not believing you?

Avni: No Neil. That was fear. Fear of seeing her. How can I forget that day? You know that 1 month is a very critical part of my life. I was not in my state, Neil. I can't think of anything directly and can't do anything as I was in fear always that what will happen to you or Ria if my decision went wrong. Even I thought about her. Whether the blackmailer will do anything to her. I also don't know who the person was blackmailing me. I was always in a miserable state. When I thought to convey this to you, she made a lock there too. When she stabbed me, the pain is not more than what she thought about me. She tortured me the hell for that one month and also when killing me. Because of her, my sister was in jail and suffered more. And she knows she has a disorder but she didn't care about that. And I also suffered in Vidyuth's clutch. I can't forget everything that much easier, Neil. I can't. I need time to forget everything.

             Avni started to shed tears and Neil hugged her and consoled her.

Neil: Iam sorry for making you remember the past. Ok, I will ask Ali to go there and speak with her, ok.

          Avni nodded her head. They broke the hug. Avni gets up and leaves to sleep. When she was about to sit in the bed, Neil held her hand. Avni turns and sees him. She raised her eyebrows to ask what. Neil came closer to her and held her other hand also.

Neil: Close your eyes.

Avni: Why?

Neil: Avni, do what I say.

Avni: Ok, SI sir.

          Avni closed her eyes before Neil could say something to her. He goes and takes something from the cupboard and stand before her.

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