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Hii Guys!!!


                Neil sat in his cabin and DD came there by catching a one man's collar. Neil saw him and saw DD.

Neil: Who is he?

DD: I saw him near Vidyuth house. I saw him doubtful. He ran by seeing me, that's why I got him here. I investigated him, he was one of the goons of Vidyuth.

Neil: Did he told where is he?

DD: No.

Neil: Give him police treatment. He will say everything as he doesn't know what the police do if they didn't get what they want.

DD: Ok, Neil.

          DD took him to the darkroom. Soon, some police officers circled him and started their treatment. After some time, Neil came there.

Neil: Tell me, before the treatment gets worse.

Goon: In his bamboo woodland. There is a villa. Today morning, when he came to know about your investigation, he escaped there as no one knows about that house.

Neil: Why he went there?

Goon: A week before, I went to his villa, as he asked me for anaesthesia and I gave that to him. At that time, I saw a girl, who was tied in bed. Maybe, he went there to see that girl.

Neil: Who is she?

Goon: I don't know. But, I can clearly say that she is locked in his house.

Neil: DD, get the address. We have to save that girl too.

            After getting the address, Neil, DD with some police officers reached the bamboo woodland. They started to shoot the goons who are safeguarded the place. One of the goons escaped from there and informed Vidyuth about it. He was irritated and went inside Avni's room. She was sitting there with the hope that someday, Neil will come here to save her. By seeing Vidyuth expression, Avni got a ray of hope.

Avni: Why you are so tensed? The reason behind this tension and fear was my Neil, right.

Vidyuth: Shut up.

Avni: Oh, that means iam right. I know, one day my Neil will come here and save me. And I also know that was your last day when he comes to know that you have captivated in your house.

Vidyuth: Can't you be quiet.

Avni: I won't. My Neil has come here. I will go to him. (Shouts) Neil...Neil.

        Before she could shout further he took anaesthetic and inject it into her body. He took a black gown and made her wear that. He then covered her face using a shawl. She was half-unconscious. Vidyuth heard the voice of Neil. He saw the glass bottle on the table. He broke that and take that in his right hand. He holds Avni using his left hand and made her walk towards them.

                Vidyuth came before them by hiding himself behind Avni and placed a broken glass on her neck. As Avni was covered through the shawl, Neil couldn't able to see her face. But by seeing her, he feels some strange emotions towards her. Avni was half-conscious as she can see Neil, but not clearly and couldn't able to hear what they were speaking.

Neil: Vidyuth, all evidence are against you. So don't try to escape from me. Surrender to me otherwise...

Vidyuth: Otherwise? What? Leave my way. Or else I won't mind killing this girl.

Neil: Dont. Vidyuth, leave her and surrender to me.

Vidyuth: Leave the way.

            As there is no way, Neil led him away. Vidyuth by placing the glass on her neck went towards the car. Neil and police officers followed with a distance. Vidyuth placed Avni inside a car. When Vidyuth was about to enter the car, Neil shoots him on his leg. Vidyuth shouts and turns and sees Neil who was there with a gun to shoot him again. Before he could shoot, Vidyuth take Avni out and pushed her towards him and entered the car. Neil holds her before she could fall. By holding her, he feels emotion.

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