2nd Evidence

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Hii Guys!!!

Hope you are all fine☺☺

I am back......

I will update my story regularly from now onwards. So, let's get into the story🙂🙂


            Neil sees the rusted knife and reality strikes him. He sees around and found no one was there. Then he calls everyone inside and asked them to see the floor. They were shocked to see the rusted knife on the floor. Neil asked the forensic department to do the procedures. They took the knife and put it on the cover and they started their work in that place as they saw some bloodstain on the wall and the floor. Neil asked them why they didn't come inside along with him. AK sees Juhi and gestures her to answer the question through their eyes. Juhi tells that she and AK sir speaks about the case. Neil gave a disbelieving look. Juhi said that leave this question and search for evidence.

            Juhi sees the photo frame of Avneil and smiles. She thought how lovely couple they are. She then thought how happy he was when he talks about her at the success party but now everything vanished after her death. Then she sees the room of their memories through photos. At the same time, AK, DD and Neil came and stand near the glass door. DD stands near the door. Neil asked him whether he was able to see the police who was standing on the terrace of Neighbours house. DD said he was able to see them. Neil asked the police officer through the phone and they said they were able to see him. Then Neil asked them to come here and disconnected the call. Neil thinks for some time. Then he turns by hearing Juhi's word.

Juhi: Avneil..... Nice name, Neil. So this name was the combination of Avni and Neil, right.

DD: Ya and this name is kept by Avni.

AK: oh.

       After hearing Avneil name from Juhi's mouth, Neil thinks something and remembered Avni's word.


Avni: Neil, this was our secret code, Avneil. Whenever I was angry with you or I couldn't able to convey a message to you, this will help you to know what I want to say.

Neil: I will be with you, right. Then why you are saying that you can't able to send the message?

Avni: ya, you will be with me and I will be with you. But, if I was angry with you, then I won't speak with you, I will write some punishment in this letter and put it in this box. You have to find this box and do your punishment. After that, I will speak with you, ok. And ya, not only in the box, I will place the letter at any spot and in anything.

Neil: pa, Wow, chanceless, Awesome, is this a way to give punishment to me? How will I find the place? And you are saying that you will place the letter in anything.

Avni: SI sir, that's why I said Avneil. The information I thought to give you through letter will be in a box or something. But that thing will contain the name of Avneil. And you can find the letter to do your punishment to speak with me.

Neil: Who is giving you this kind of weird idea?

Avni: My brain.

Neil: Do you have that?

Avni: Neil, you...

        Then Avni runs behind him to catch him.

Flashback ends...

       Neil smiles and remembers her words. Then he goes to the place where Juhi was standing and saw the wall where Avneil was written. He saw some bloodstain on the floor. He touched the wall where Avneil was written. It was like a button. But it appears like a wall. He pressed that button. Then it opens. He opens that and saw the box was there inside. He took that box. Then Juhi, Neil, AK and DD came out of the room and sat on the couch which was in her room. He saw that box too contain a lock. He unlocked it by giving AVneil name. Then they were shocked by seeing the thing which was on Neil's hand. And also they were happy to see that. They saw Avni's phone was in the box. 

Juhi: Finally, we got Avni's phone. Thank God. Common Neil, on the phone.

AK: Ya, we can check whether we can get any pieces of evidence through this phone. After all, this was our last hope.

         Then Neil took Avni's phone from the box and switch on the phone. He knows her password, so he opened the phone after the phone gets on. Neil saw the caller record and saw the unknown number has called her on that particular period. And also from that number, there were so many calls in that one month.

AK: see Ms Juhi, you have told the judge that Ria didn't call Avni out, right.

Juhi: Yes.

AK: why can't it be a left-handed person who joins hands with Ria to kill Avni? Maybe this number's owner was the left-handed person, whom we were searching for?

Neil: Ya, you are right. We should not delay any more to find about that left-handed person.

        He turns and orders DD to stay here to take care of the forensic department and search that room again as Avni was hidden in this place. DD nodded his head. Then AK, Juhi and Neil came out of the house.

AK: I know about you, Neil sir. About your dedication and principles towards your work. As I am a government lawyer, I must argue against Juhi mam to prove that Ria is a murderer and it's my duty. If Ria wasn't a right-handed person then who was she? You can get the answer through that left-handed person, so find her as soon as possible. Or otherwise, there are only 5 days for the next hearing. And evidence too was against Ria, so if you want to prove her innocent just get the left-handed person soon. I hope you understand what I am saying. Ok, then I am leaving ACP sir. Thanks for your cooperation while searching the house.

Neil: Ya.

       Then Ak went in his car and Juhi & Neil went in Neil's car. Neil drives the car towards the ABC phone company.

Hope you are all like my update💗💗💗💗

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