Arguments 01

369 55 6

Hii guys!!!
Sry for the late.....
Let's get into the story☺

DD gave water to Ria and all others are standing near her. She drank the water and gave it to DD. Monica came and hugged her to console her. They both cried by hugging each other. After some time they both broke the hug.

Mitali: First of all, don't cry Ria. Then he will say that because of guiltiness you are crying. We all know about you. And be confident in your answer, ok.

Neil: First make her relax. You both move aside. Ria, feel relax. These are just common things happening in court to get the truth, so don't worry about AK sir ok.

Ria just nodded her head.

Monica: But, I don't get one thing obvious. Why he is always stressing the point of their fights?

Shweta: Maybe, he guessed that because of this fight she has killed her.

Ali: Neil, now what we are going to do. Already every piece of evidence is against Ria and he is accusing her more in which she gets emotionally disturbed.

Juhi: Neil not, I am. And don't worry about evidence. We can release the person by not only having evidence to prove their innocence but also by destroying the evidence which is against them.

All ( except Neil and DD): We couldn't understand.

Juhi: Just wait and watch.

After a break......

Everyone assembled in their place. AK came and stand before Ria to continue his investigation.

AK: I think now you are fine to answer my questions. Just leave the scene that happened in your house. Come to the point, where the scene started, I mean your college. Your sister has gone to her home before you could reach her. Then you managed to move with the help of a taxi which is nearby, am I right?

Ria: Yes, I...

AK: Ha, wait. I didn't ask my question. My question is how you know that she must reach her home because she didn't say to anyone that where she is going and even if you followed her, you should have reached the same time she reached home, right. Tell me.

Ria: Actually, Avni moved out of college in a panic. So I thought it may be related to work.

AK: Why is it, so?

Ria: Because she never gets panics except for her work and about me. If I was here, then she must think about her work. So I thought she may be driving her car home.

AK: It is your college farewell function, right. Then like every student you will also charge your phone to take photos with your friends and to take a video of the function. Then how your phone gets switch off.

Ria: I don't know.

AK: This was not an answer to my question.

Before further AK could speak Juhi interrupted his speech.

Juhi: Your honour, through Ria's statement we get to know that she doesn't know about the panic state of Avni...

AK: She must be lying to us.

Juhi: Wait AK sir, I didn't complete my sentence. Sir in the murder spot police caught Ria's phone. In that, her call history says she didn't call her sister for the past two days.

AK: Maybe she erased the call history.

Juhi: There is a developed technology, AK sir. Your honour, these lists are the call history of Ria's phone for the last week of April month.

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