Happy ending 💝

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Hii Guys!!!


                 Avni, Juhi and AK went to AK's house. Neil went to the police station and DD was already present there.

Neil: where the hell he was there?

DD: We chased him. But at the nick of time, he escaped. We are searching for him in every possible way.

Neil: Check him in nearby hospitals. He cants go so far as I have shot him on his leg.

DD: ok.

             DD and some police officers went to different hospitals nearby that area and checked his name and every room. But they can't find him. Two days passed like this.

DD: Neil, we have searched him in every possible way. Maybe he ran out of this state now. But we have secured there too.

Neil: He can't. Wait, one sec...We are missing something.

DD: What?

Neil: How come I did not think about this? DD, find the doctor who knows Vidyuth well and which doctor is in contact with him for the past 3-4 months.

DD: Ok.

              DD checked the details of him and found the doctor.

DD: Neil, Dr Joseph. He is in contact with him.

Neil: Where is he?

DD: He was nearby the bamboo woodland area.

Neil: Then he must be there for the treatment.

DD: How you are so sure about it?

Neil: We have found Avni from him. So he must be given treatment for her. The doctor must be him.

              Then with police officers, they headed towards his house. They entered the house and saw Vidyuth was lying on the bed and his doctor was giving treatment for him. Vidyuth saw him and was stunned to see him here.

Neil: Your game is over.

           Neil arrested Vidyuth and came to the police station. They made him sit in the investigation room, Neil and DD were sitting oppositely.

Neil: How did you kidnap Avni?

Vidyuth: How can I kidnap her, when she is dead.

Neil: Dont tries to make a smart move. Why didn't you show her to the world when everyone says Avni was dead and her sister was the murderer? Tell me.

          Vidyuth didn't speak anything, whereas Neil was asking reasonable more questions.

Neil: Why did you kill Mitali's family?  I am asking you something, speak it up dammit.
Vidyuth: Anyway, jail is confirmed for me. I won't say anything, do what you want.

           Neil came out of the room with anger and went to Khanna mansion. He straightly went to his room and locked the door. Juhi came to the home after some time, shweta stopped her in mid. Juhi turns and saw her.

Juhi: What is the matter, Aunty?

Shweta: Neil, went to his room with anger. Can you go and see him.

Juhi: Sure, aunty.

           Juhi went to his room and knocked on the door. Neil opened the door and allowed Juhi to enter inside.

Juhi: What happened? Did you found Vidyuth?

Neil: Ya. In court, you have to give punishment to him.

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