1st evidence

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Hii guys!!!


       Neil was stunned to see the person in front of him. Then he remembers about his call for her after seeing the calendar. He came towards her.

Neil: How are you, Juhi?

     The person was Juhi he called.

Juhi: Ya, I am fine. What about you?

Neil: I am okay.

Juhi: then why you become shocked by seeing me.

Neil: without the information you came so I was a little bit shocked.

Juhi: When did you allow me to speak? Before the day you called me and asked to meet me, without getting my reply so I thought to not waste my time by informing you and I came here.

Neil: ok.

Shweta: But, How did you get our house address?

Juhi: Aunty, I am the commissioner's daughter, so with the help of my dad, I got his address through my dad's office without his knowledge. SIMPLE!

Neil: I knew it. Can't you leave your criminal mind?

Juhi: Nope. I won't. That's why people call me a CRIMINAL LAWYER. Now, tell me for which work you called me. And.......ha....... first show me your girlfriend.

       Everyone gets shocked.

Juhi: What? Why you are looking at me like this? Did I ask you something wrong?

Neil: Juhi... actually...... Av...... Avni is dead.

     Juhi was shocked. She was just blank and couldn't get a word to speak.

Juhi: What? But how?

Neil: Come let's go to my room and can speak further. DD come with us.

       The trio moves to Neil's room. And Neil said everything happened after getting the file from her dad up to today's incident.

Neil: so we want your help.

Juhi: what can I do Neil?

    Just then Monica comes to his room with a teacup. She gives tea to the trio.

Neil: Juhi, You wants to be Ria's lawyer.

Juhi: what?

Monica: Please don't say no sis, you are our last hope.

Juhi: You are Neil's sister as well as Ria's friend, right.

Monica: mm. Please sis, take this case, I know it is selfish to say this, but Ria is innocent. Please take her out.

Juhi: okay. For your friendship, I will be Ria's lawyer, okay.

Monica: Thank you, sis.

DD: Monica, can you please leave us alone, we want to speak about the case.

Monica: okay.

    After Monica leaves, Juhi inquires about Avni's case.

Juhi: So, if one side shows that Ria is innocent means then the other side shows Ria is a murderer, right.

DD: ya.

Juhi: so, what was your next plan, Neil?

Neil: Meeting the doctor who has given the Autopsy report for Avni. By tomorrow.

Juhi: Then we will meet him tomorrow. But Neil, you investigated everyone involved in the case except Ria's college. Did you get any clue?

Neil: Nope. But I am sure that person knows about Avni very well or we can say the person gets to know about Avni very well. Wait a sec...

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