Broken Heart 💔 Part 2

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One week later......

       The room was dark, there a person sits on the floor near the bed

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       The room was dark, there a person sits on the floor near the bed. The person is Neil. He was holding Avni's picture and crying. He can only hear Avni's voice in the room. He can hear Avni's giggle, her bangle and anklet sound, her fragrance. He was not in his state. He couldn't able to digest the fact that Avni is dead. He feels restless and lifeless in this world without Avni. He was not in his sense. His mind is solely filled with Avni. He can only hear, see and feel Avni.

Avni: Neil...

Neil: Avni

Avni: Neil.....Neil......(she laughs) find me, Neil.

Neil: Avni... Why you leave me Avni?

      He cries and he can only hear her voice. Shweta enters his room. She locked the door and sat near him on the bed. She placed one hand on his shoulder. Neil turns and sees her and he jerks her hand.

Shweta: Neil, I know you are angry with us. We can't justify what we have done as a right by saying our point of view. Because at someplace we too have done wrong by hiding. We are sorry for that. But, it's not our intention to hide this. we thought to say you in person. Please, sorry for that. But, please don't be like this, Neil. The loss of Avni is not only for you, for us too. It's been a week,  Neil, you didn't step out of a room. I understand now what phase you are going through, but for How many days you have planned to be like this, Neil? Say it.

Neil(in a choked voice): Mom, mom, mom. You can't understand what I am going through. If you felt my pain, you wouldn't be asked me to come with you before a week for Avni's demise rites. I can't able to register in my mind about Avni's death, and you asked me to come to the temple. I can't even accept that she is dead. You can't understand my pain, mom. she is the pure soul, mom. She is one of the gem person. I fall for her smile, cute jokes, her childish behaviour, her anger, well as fake anger, (he smiles while saying this and again he continues to speak) her innocence, her care, everything, everything mom. She makes me fall for her every antic. You know mom, I love her the way she is. I feel her presence everywhere. When I emigrated to another town for my work, she said she will miss me and even she kissed me on my cheeks, here( he shows the right cheek to his mom, where she kissed her). When I return to see her, she is not here, mom. She has gone away from me. she told me she can't live without me, even I can't live without her, we are incomplete without each other, then why did she leave me. One second....

          Then Neil turns and took his bag and he opens it. He took the gift box, which he bought to gift for Avni. He handed over the gift to Shweta. He said to open the gift. And she did what he said. She was shocked to see the gift and her eyes were filled with tears.

Shweta: this

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Shweta: this.....

Neil: Mangalsutra. This is for your daughter in law, for my girlfriend and for soon to be my wife. (he laughs while saying that). You know mom, I planned so much on how to give this gift to her. I thought I can see her expression when she saw this gift. I have dreamed this about many times, how her reaction will be and even a week ago, before taking charge of Avni's case, that day morning to I have dreamed about her reaction. ( he laughs in a hurt way) but everything shattered mom. I can't able to forgive myself for not saving Avni. Mom, she is the love of my life. I promised her that I will protect her, but I failed. Mom, I have dreamed so much to spend time with Avni, after I got transfer here. I planned to give her every happiness she deserves. Regardless I failed to protect her. I can't forgive myself, mom
I won't come outside and see the world. I don't want to see the world where my Avni doesn't exist. No mom, I can't come outside. Please, mom, leave me alone. Just leave me. I will be like this...

Shweta(in a serious tone): like this..... For how many days?

Neil: mom....

Shweta: tell me, Neil.

Neil: forever. Till my life exists in this world. Leave me alone and move out from here.

Shweta: Looser. You are a big looser, Neil.

Neil: mom...

Shweta( in an angry tone):what mom? I didn't expect this from you, Neil. Don't tell anyone that I am your mom. I feel ashamed to give birth to you, Neil. No, no, no, you can't be my son. You are someone. Tell me where is my son? Tell me.

Neil: mom, what are you saying? Can't you understand what I am even gone through? Please mom, le......

Shweta: shut up....just shut up. Don't talk anymore. I heard whatever you want to speak. Now, just listen to what I am saying, ok.
        Neil, are you my son? No, you can't. If you are my son, you can't be broken. And you won't sit here like this, in a dark room for a week. I didn't wish to see you like this, Neil. Even Avni wouldn't wish to see you like this.
       I am telling the truth. She can't see you in pain Neil, you know about it, right. And here, you are in a heartbroken state because of her. You said you can't forgive yourself, as you can't protect her, even she can't forgive herself, as she is the reason for your heartbroken state and the pain you are suffering now. 
     Neil, I know it's not easy to forget her. And I am not saying to forget her. I am saying Just to come out of the sorrow. And I know it's difficult for you. But you can. You can come out of the sorrow at least for us, Neil. Love is one of the magic. It makes the person strong, weak, even to choose the right path and wrong path. But the decision is taken by the person to choose strong or weak. Neil, your love is not that weak, that you are shattered totally because she is dead. In my point of view, she is not dead. Her soul has separated from her body. But, her life still exists in you. Your memories with her are still in your mind. You said that you could feel her smile, her words, her giggles, her care, her presence everywhere, right. Then what else you want. Love is not only complete when you were with the person you love, it is also complete when you feel that person through your heart wholeheartedly. Neil, it's not easy for you. But at least for us or for your Avni, please come out of this room. You know right, she is not dead naturally, she was killed by someone. You were taken charge to find the murderer. And Ria was in jail as every piece of evidence is against her. We all know that she loves her sister a lot, and she can't kill her sister at any cost. So only Monica and Ali complain a file to find the real murderer as she can't kill her sister. You have to find the real culprit Neil. You have to release Ria from jail. Even Avni too wish that only. Because she can't see her sister in jail, as she didn't kill her. Your love can't weaken you, your love should boost you.
          Shweta gets up and moved towards the door. Before moving out, she turns and sees Neil and again speaks to him.
          Now, you have to decide whether your love is strong or weak. You should decide that you are going to be here, in this dark room or you are going to find the murderer who killed Avni? The decision is yours.

         By saying this shweta leaves the room by closing the door. Neil starts to think about what Shweta says.  Shweta came out of his room and moves to the living room where everyone presents.

Prakash: what did he say?

Shweta: I have said what I want to confess to him. Now it's his turn to decide between his love and his miseries.

       Everyone sees his room and thinks that he will decide the right path.

Hope you all like my update❤❤❤

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