Arguments 02

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Hii guys!!!


Juhi: Your honour, here no one is speaking without evidence. I have evidence. That's why I am saying this.

      She took Avni's report and handed it to the lawyer sitting in front of the judge. The lawyer passes it to the judge. Judge sees that.

Juhi: Your honour, these are the Autopsy report of Avni. Her report was changed in the hospital when police collect her report. But when we again got the copy of Avni's report we found that Avni's report had changed. Dr Rishab has given this report to us and it was original.

Judge: AK, would you like to say anything about this report?

AK: Your honour, I would like to investigate Dr Rishab.

Judge: Objection sustained.

      Rishab came and stand in the witness box. Juhi sat in her seat. He wished the judge and turns to AK.

AK: Hi Dr.

Rishab: Hello.

AK: Dr Your hospital is one of the respectable hospitals. Then how this mistake of changing the report happens. Or someone has compelled you to change the report( by seeing Juhi)

Juhi: Your honour...

AK: Be patient, Juhi mam. I didn't even start my investigation, wait for your turn.

       Juhi sits in her place and AK turns to Dr Rishab.

Rishab: No, no one has compelled me to change the report. Like Juhi mam says someone has changed the report in the first place itself. When they asked about the copy of the report, even I said like you that it was a respectable hospital. Then they asked me to prove it. So I asked for a copy. When I saw the copy, I was blanked and don't know how the report has changed.

AK: Ok Dr, Like you said the report has changed. Tell us what the report says?

Rishab: sure. Avni's Autopsy report says that she was stabbed in her stomach by the knife nearly six times and not two times. And there is a difference between a first and the remaining stab.


          Neil closed his eyes and placed his thumb finger on his ears and the remaining finger on his head. As he can't able to hear that once again because his love has separated from this world with so much pain. DD kept his hand on his shoulder and Neil sees him and assures him that he is ok. And he starts to listen to the conversation.

AK: May I know what was the difference?

Rishab: There is a difference of hands and used the knife for stabbing her.

AK: I couldn't...

Rishab: Actually, the first stab was done with a rusted knife. And the remaining stab was with a new knife which was in Ria's hand when police caught her. And also the hand difference. The first stab was done by the left-handed person and the remaining stab was done by the right-handed person.

AK: What??

Rishab: ya, and also she was hit by the rod on her head and it was also done by the left-handed person. And she was slapped and they punched her in the stomach where they stabbed her using a rusted knife. We can say more like this. By this, I am sure Avni was killed by two persons and not one.

AK: Any further points you want to say.

Rishab: The stabbing method of the right-handed person report says that the person is affected mentally. I mean to say some mental disorder.

AK: How you are so sure about it?

Rishab: The person stabbed her continuously six times as fast as the person could. This much fast can't be done by normal people.

          AK was numb and don't know what to say and he starts to think and asked the doctor to leave. The judge wrote the point whatever the doctor says. Ak stands near his table and thinks. Juhi used this time and stands and starts to speak.

Juhi: Your honour, Even AK sir got clarification by investigating doctor. And now it's confirmed that Avni was killed by two persons. So, if Ria was a murderer then there must be another person to with her, but there was only Ria. And by this, we can say that Ria wasn't a murderer and before her arrival itself the two persons joins the hand and killed her, they blamed it on Ria and move out of the place and this is what happens. And as I already said that Ria didn't call Avni when she leaves the college and I have proved that by her phone call history records, Mrs khanna says that she was stressed about something before their fight itself. And now this autopsy report confirms that two persons have killed her. Your honour, By this I confirms that Ria wasn't a murderer. I request...

AK: Wait, Juhi mam, why this much hurry to finish this case. The game has just begun. It's just a trial, not the main picture. I will show you that. For that first, I want to confirm one thing from you.

Juhi: what was that?

AK: So you believe that Avni has killed by two persons?

Juhi: Yes.

AK: You believe that a right-handed person was a mental disorder?

Juhi: Yes, yes, yes. And I have shown evidence too. Then what else you want.

AK: Then ok.

       He turns towards the Judge.

AK: Your honour, this Ria who was standing here in the witness box for murder her sister is a mental disorder patient. And a right-handed person too.

      His words shocked Juhi, Neil, DD, Mitali and Khanna family even Ria. Juhi doesn't have words to say after his confession and she says only one thing.

Juhi: wh.....What????

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