August 16

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Hii Guys!!!


             Neil, DD and AK searched that house completely. AK and Neil both got some clues for their case.

August 15...
      Juhi has reached the khanna mansion on Aug 15 evening. Neil, Juhi and all the khanna family was sitting on the bench in the garden area.

Babes: Juhi, how was your journey? And what about your case?

Juhi: was okay.  About the case, I won.

Prakash: Congratz, for your case.

Juhi: Thanks, uncle.

Prakash: Juhi, your dad was a commissioner, right.
         They all talked about some random topics that evening.

August 16......

              Everyone assembled in the court. The judge came and everyone wished him and sat in their respective place. The judge told AK to start his argument.

AK: Your honour, I am not changing any proof or I am not discovering anything newly. I am submitting the true one. Ria is a mental disorder patient and I have submitted the papers already and you too have seen that. Your honour, as you have ordered, Dr Aman has arrived at the court. If Juhi mam wants, she can investigate Dr Aman.

     Dr Aman came and stand on the witness box. He wished the judge.

Juhi: So, Dr Aman, May I know what kind of mental disorder does Ria have?

Aman: well, her disorder is named Schizophrenia. This disorder starts when she is in her mother's womb itself. Her brain did not develop normally like others. Her birth case too was difficult. Due to this, she was affected by this at the initial stage.  This disease person should not be controlled by others wish. It will make their condition worse. But in Ria's case, it's different.

Juhi: What's that?

Aman: Their family members were unaware of Ria's health. Avni admitted Ria when she was 15 years old. At that time her condition was too critical. She was not in her state. We came to know that she was controlled by Anosognosia.

Juhi: That means?

Aman: The person who has schizophrenia can have Anosognosia. It was a rare case. When it comes, it will control them. It is affected when it is not taken care of properly at the initial stage itself. If it comes, It will say that they are not affected by anything. So they don't want to take doctors advice and medicines. So, it is good if we say to them that they are not affected by anything. I put a high time to save her. So, we thought not to risk her life anymore. I only said Avni to not tell Ria about her health issue. Without her knowledge, she gives medicine to her in these years. She should not control against her wish. It will lead to serious issues. 

       Ria was shocked to hear what Dr Aman says.

Ria(in mind): That means sis not allowed me to abroad because she wants to treat me for my disorder. She takes care of me in these years without my knowledge. without knowing all these, what I have done to her? Such a big mistake I have done. Because of me, she has died today.

        She came out of her trance when Aman speaks.

Aman: serious issues like they tried to harm themselves or in much anger they tried to harm others. They won't think about what they are doing. They can't able to control their anger.

Juhi: Ok. You may go.

Aman: Thank you.

      Aman leaves that place. Juhi came and stand in her place.

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