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AK: Your honour, this Ria who was standing here in the witness box for murder her sister is a mental disorder patient and ( by turning towards Juhi ) a right-handed person too.

         His words shocked Juhi, Neil, DD, Mitali and Khanna family even Ria. Juhi doesn't have words to say after his confession and she says only one thing.

Juhi: Wh...What????

AK: You heard it right. Ria was a mental disorder patient.

Ria: No, I am not. I...

AK: wait, wait. Why this much hyper and tension. Your honour, Ria was affected mentally and she is taking treatment for that disorder.

           He turns and takes the hospital report and gave it to the lawyer who gave that to the Judge.

AK: Your honour, this was the report given by Dr Aman, the doctor of ABC hospital. This report, explains that she shouldn't be forced or controlled by anyone. If that happens then she will lose her control and she can do anything at that time. Avni's control towards Ria for not allowing her abroad made her mind rage and leads her to kill her.

Juhi: Your honour, I would like to investigate Dr Aman regarding this report.

AK: Your honour, Dr Aman is out of town. He will be here after a week. But the report is original only...

Juhi: Your honour, without investigating him and his statement I will not accept this report as the original one.

          Judge writes something on the paper while Juhi and AK wait for his judgement. The judge starts to speak.

Judge: Though the required evidence is there to prove Ria is a murderer, Juhi shows that Avni's autopsy report shows that Ria couldn't and AK proves that too against Ria. But, that evidence against Ria can be proven only when Dr Aman gave his statement to this court as Juhi says. So, this case postponed to August 16. And I order Dr Aman to be there in court on Aug 16. And also considering Avni's Autopsy report, there were two persons to kill Avni. There is an arising question if Ria is a right-handed person then who is the left-handed person? If Ria doesn't then who is that? I order the police officer ACP Neil Khanna and his team to find the left-handed person and the real culprit soon and who is behind the changed autopsy report of Avni? Since Ria doesn't prove to be innocent, this court orders her to be imprisoned in jail. And regarding this case, the police officers can enquire Ria at any time. The final judgement says after Dr Aman's statement.

      After saying this Judge leaves his place. Everyone stands and came out. Ria was taken to the police jeep and they moved without allowing her to meet her friends or family. The remaining came to Khanna mansion.

In Khanna Mansion...

         Neil was so much furious and angrier towards his sister Monica. Monica tried to explain but all goes in vain as he broke the crystal jar which was placed on the table to mute her voice. She was stood at the place and everyone stood there quietly. 

Neil: Why Monica? why? Why didn't you say us before itself and you are saying this while we are reaching home.

Monica: How would I know bro, that he will know about her health issue when you and our family itself unaware of it.

DD: Monica, when you know about her health issue?

Monica: Recently, when Avni sis and Ria fights with each other. Avni sis told about her health issue and to take her up properly in college and got a promise from me to not reveal it to anyone even to Ria.

DD: That means Ria doesn't know about this.

Monica: Nope.

DD: But, at least you should say this to us. And we would think about some other thing, right. Thank God, that Dr Aman was not there otherwise we would have lost the hope to save Ria.

Neil: What about now? We lost and it proved that Ria is a murderer.

Monica( shouts): Bro...

Neil: Don't shout at me, Monica. This is the fact and you have to accept it. That Ria is a murderer. Like AK sir says, her frustration, anger and also mainly her mental disorder made her kill my Avni. And she is covering up that by using her lie. That's the truth. Open your eyes Monica(by hitting her head) and see the reality that your friend has a blood-related sister who cares like her mom, who supports her like her father, who withstands with her and respects her every decision, who even tried to hide her love from me for her sister and killed her just because she controls her and doesn't allow her to move abroad. Please stop being a friend with her, otherwise, you also get something like Avni...

Monica: please Bro, please stop it. I can't tolerate any more words against my friend.

Neil: But, that's the reality Monica, you should accept that. We can't change the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Likewise, we can't change the fact, that Ria has killed Avni. Whether you accept it or not, that's the truth. You too will accept soon, when Dr Aman gives his statement and...

Monica: so what if he states that she is a mental disorder patient. After knowing everything only I complain a case to find the murderer and don't forget about it.

Neil: Then you are such a fool to believe your friend that she wouldn't kill her sister after knowing all these. You should accept these. Anyways you will accept soon when the judge declares her as a murderer in the final judgement.

        By saying this Neil moves to his room and closed the door.  Monica too left her room without talking with anyone. DD and Mitali excused themselves and moved out of Khanna mansion. The remaining all moved to their respective rooms.

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