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           Khanna family including Juhi, Mitali and DD reached the Court. Even Ria arrived there in the police jeep with the handcuffed. Monica and Mitali couldn't able to see Ria in this way. Because after Avni, Ria was only close to them. Ria too got emotional by seeing them. They thought to speak with each other, but before that police took her inside. After that Khanna family and Mitali were sitting on the bench and Neil and DD are sitting near Juhi. Ria was standing in the witness box. The judge came and everyone stands and wished him and they sat in their place. Juhi noticed that the government lawyer was none other than A.K, the great criminal lawyer.

Juhi(in an excited tone): Neil, A.K sir is the government lawyer. That means I am going to argue against him.

Neil: ya, but why you are these much excited.

Juhi: He is one of my aim in the lawyers. No one has the guts to argue against him. So I was always desperate to argue against him, as I want to know my level. Now I can see my level while arguing with him.

Neil: oh, All the best. And all credits goes to me, as I choose you as my lawyer.

Juhi: self-obsessed. But, anyway Thank you.

       Then the judge asked them to start their argument. He asked first to start with the government lawyer A.K. He stands and said thanks and starts to speak.

A.K: Your honour, Nowadays murder is a simple thing for most of them. In anger, without thinking about the consequences they are going to face, they just kill the person who is against their dreams or take revenge against them. We are all watching News channels and reading Newspapers daily. There are so many murders witnessing through our eyes happening in our city just because of silly things. Even before a week, when I am watching TV I saw the news that because of frustration and work pressure, a mother has killed her own 7 years daughter who played in her room. Even she loves her daughter a lot, but she killed just because of that moment of pressure, frustration, anger, bitterness, irritation.
        This case also similar to that of your honour. This murderer Ria wished to study abroad for her higher studies. But Avni was refused because of some reason. Due to this they even not spoke with each other for three weeks. She was too adamant to join in abroad college. Even she said to Avni that she will kill her to live her life own when the Neighbour came to her house, the Neighbour's statement was there your honour. She planned to move abroad but her only restriction was Avni. So she did what she said in anger to live her life. She killed her sister because Avni controlled her, mainly against her wish. In anger, we won't see whether the person standing in front of us is our loved ones or not. We just do what we think. That's what happened in Ria's life now. That's all your honour.

      Ria just cried for accusing her and nodded her head as no as she didn't kill her sister. The judge notes the point said by Ak and he asked Juhi to speak if she has a point.

Juhi: Thank you, your honour, even after the valued points given by AK sir against Ria, you gave me a chance to speak. Once again thanks for that. Your honour, I accept whatever AK sir said. As murder is happening because of anger and revenge. But, just because they both got into a fight we can't say that Ria has murdered her sister Avni. Your honour, there are so many situations in everyone's life. Even in Avni and Ria's life, there are so many. If we see their life journey except their last fight, it was a beautiful journey between them. Most of them got jealous by seeing their sister bond as no sisters can't love each other these much. Avni, she lived her life for Ria and done everything for Ria. And Ria, she loves her sister a lot. Just because they got into a fight, didn't speak with each other and she said those words in anger, we can't accuse her as a murderer. Even we can say like this right that someone has taken the opportunity of their sister's fight and killed her and they blamed it on Ria. Your honour, we can't say anything just like that.

A.K: Your honour as we all know that every piece of evidence is against Ria. And I think it's a waste of time for all. And Juhi mam, you read the case once again, that evidence is against...

Juhi: Common A.K sir, just because shreds of evidence is against Ria we can't say that Ria is a murderer. Shall I say how it looks? When we are seeing a movie there will be a song part too. We won't say that hero or heroine has sung the song well, we will give the credits to the singer who sung the song. But in a screenplay, the hero and heroine will be shown, but behind them, there is a singer. Likewise here evidence which is shown here shows Ria as a murderer, but behind her, there is a real murderer, we need to find that person. Can you understand what I am saying?

AK: So you are saying that someone has trapped Ria in this.

Juhi: yes.

AK: Your honour, I wish to investigate Ria.

Judge: objection sustained.

AK: Thank you, your honour. ( by seeing Juhi) you may take your seat, Juhi mam.

     Juhi sees him and settled in her place.

AK: What is your name?

Ria: R...Ria.....Ria Mehta.

AK: Can you explain what was happened on that day?

Ria: when I reached home, I saw my sister was in the blood pool. I move towards her...

AK: we don't want your story, I want a real incident that happened there.

   Ria doesn't know what to say when he said like that.

Juhi: Your honour, he is criticising Ria.

Judge: Objection sustained.

AK: sorry, your honour. (turning towards Ria)  Ria, why don't you think not to call an Ambulance or police after seeing your sister in that state.

Ria: I thought to call but my phone switches off. Even I tried to call through landline but it was disconnected. So I can't able to call an ambulance.

AK: Ok, your phone was switched off and the landline was disconnected but why you didn't think to call an ambulance by seeking help from your neighbours.

Ria( in a choked voice): I didn't think about that. I was tensed and blank and don't know what to do. I begged her to open her eyes and see me, I begged her to speak with me. She opens her eyes and speaks with me.

AK: what did she say to you?

Ria: She said that I to leave this place as much as possible. She restricted me just because of the situation. And she said she loves me more. To save her I took out the knife from her stomach but....but....she left me permanently. (She starts to cry)
And after that police came there, seeing me with a knife, they arrested me. ( turning towards judge) but I didn't kill her, believe me. I love her the most compare with anyone in this world why should I going to kill her, just because she didn't allow me to go abroad.

AK: That love is the reason you attempted to kill her. You killed her because you want to move abroad. And this is the truth you have to accept.

     Ria kept her hand on her ear and closed her eyes.

Ria(in a screaming and crying tone ): No, no, no, I didn't murder her. (by holding her hands) Please, believe me, I didn't kill my sister.

     She starts to cry aloud as she couldn't able to hear anymore that she has killed her sister. Neil, DD, Mitali, Khanna family couldn't able to see her like that. Neil sighs Juhi to stop investigating Ria. AK was to ask questions Ria but Juhi interrupts it.

Juhi: Your honour, Ria needs space to speak further.

Judge: objection sustained. The investigation again starts after a break.

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