Avni's Phone

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Hii Guys!!!!


           Neil and Juhi enter the room of the head of the ABC company. Neil gave the phone number to him and asked about the name and address of the person and also the phone records of this number from April month. The head of that department gave every detail whatever he asked. Neil and Juhi saw the person's name.

Neil: Are you sure he was the person behind this phone number?

       He nodded his head as yes. Then they came to the khanna mansion. DD phone called Neil to ask whether they got to know about the person.

Neil: Ya, man. The person behind this number was 60 years old man.

DD: what?

Neil: This number was only our last hope. But now that also has turned like this.

DD: Now, what Neil?

Neil: We will speak about everything tomorrow at the station, okay.

DD: ok.

     They ended the call.

Second day.....

         Neil, Juhi and DD were sitting in Neil's cabin.

DD: Even after getting Avni's phone, we couldn't get any clue about that murderer.

Juhi: DD, why you are thinking like this? Just think positively. Still, now, we thought that Avni's phone was with the murderer, but by searching her room, we found Avni's phone. So, don't think too much we can find the person using her phone.

Neil: But, how?

Juhi: Neil, First you tell me, did you got any dreams today?

Man: What kind of weird question is this?

      By hearing another person voice they turn and see who was. They saw AK was standing there. Neil asked him to come inside and he sat near Juhi.

Juhi: What are you...

AK: I came here to ask whether you came to know the owner of the phone number. And also whether that number belongs to Ria or not. If it is so, it will help me to get evidence against Ria. That's why I came here, Miss Juhi.

Neil: AK sir, The owner was an old man. And it doesn't belong to Ria. And also there is no connection between that old man and Ria.

AK: How you are saying there is no connection between them?

Neil: Because he has died before 4 years itself. And also he is not from this town.

AK: Ok. And Miss Juhi you didn't answer me, why did you ask such a weird question to him?

Juhi: It's none of your business. You tell me, Neil.

Neil: No, I didn't get any dreams.

Juhi: What? You didn't get any dreams.

DD: May I know what was in your mind?

Juhi: Actually, he got dreams since yesterday night, but not today. I mean, Neil you said to me that you are getting dreams of Avni is trying to give a message through the phone to you but it was held by someone.

Neil: Ya.

Juhi: Why can't it be like this? That Avni has given you a message through the phone. That's why you got a dream of Avni having a phone in her hands.

AK: what?

Juhi: We just try it. Maybe Avni has given you a signal through a dream. What if she has given a message through the phone. Today, you didn't get any dream as you have her phone with you. So, let's try. After all Avni's phone only can help to find the murderer.

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