Mitali's Pain 01

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Hii Guys!!!


              They got a call from a landline. Mitali answered the call. After hearing the message she told them that grandpa will come to see you and she ended the call. She informs her grandfather that one of the Village person would like to meet you in person for seeking your help. He nodded his head and proceeded to the meeting place with his son. Mitali and her sister moved towards the school. Her grandfather name is RadhaKrishna(RK).

RK: What is the matter?

Boy: Sir, you know about our village. If this village is in this better level means, you are the one responsible for it. I need another favour from you, it's not only for me but also for the students like me.

RK: Can you tell me what you want?

Boy: Bus.

RK: Means...

Boy: Our village doesn't have a school. Every student in our village travelling on a bus to study in another town. Bus drivers are pickup as sometimes and sometimes they weren't. We are affected by this. Sometimes, we are reaching the school late. So, we are missing classes. If you speak with the government officials about this then it may be helpful for us.

RK: You told me, right. Leave that to me. You go, I will take care of it.

At Night...

           Everyone is eating their food sitting on the terrace by seeing the moon.

Mitali: Grandpa, what did you decide about the bus matter? Dad told me about that boy's arrival while working in that shop.

RK: what you are thinking about this?

Mitali: I think that you need to speak with the government officers about this. If you speak, I am sure they will stop the bus in our village too.

RK: But, I am not thinking to speak with them.

Raguveer: Then what you are going to do dad?

RK: You also took Mitali with you to another town for her schooling. After my strict decision only you came here with your wife and daughter before 2 years. To give your daughters better education you left this place and moved. It's all happened because there was no school in our village, right. Otherwise, you would have been here only. You have money so you moved to some other place. But the people like the boy who came in the morning was not rich enough to give money to higher school to study there. That's why he and other people are studying in the school in the nearby town. But, because of lack of bus facilities, he couldn't able to learn the class correctly. And some parents are dropping their child's study in mid because they didn't have money. If I spoke and even bus comes, some parents won't allow their students to study. But, education is important.

Mitali: So......

RK: I have decided. In our village also School should have and it will be run by us. Children in our village should study there freely.

Mitali: Grandpa, are you serious? It's because building a school is ok. But, you know right, we need some VIP for this. The person who is educated and can control the school if you need this school.

RK: I will talk with the officials tomorrow.

The next day...

             RK and Raguveer visited the government officials and reached their house.

Mitali's mom: What did they tell?

Raguveer: As Mitali told. They want one educated person as a school chairman.

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