Enquiring Ria

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        Neil was in deep thought that for whom Avni gets afraid? Is the person known to her? Is she knows that the person is in her house on that day? Whether the fight between them also made by the murderer? So many questions arise in his mind. Then he came out of his question world after seeing the calendar. Abruptly, he calls someone on the phone and asked that person to meet him after 2 days. Before the other person could reply he ended the call. He lies on the bed but, he couldn't get sleep. He tried several times by turning his side here and there, but sleep was far away. Finally, he slept. While sleeping he saw a nightmare. Where Avni is smiling by seeing him and suddenly her smiling face turns into a pale face. In which Avni was stabbed by a knife and trying to speak to him but couldn't. Then she saw the phone and took it before she could speak, the other person grapped her phone. Neil got up from sleep and saw his phone is ringing. He saw the time, it shows 8:30 am. Then he attends the call.

Neil: ya, tell me DD.

      The call is from DD.

DD: I got a permission letter to see Ria. You can see her at 11:00 am.

Neil: okay. I will reach the station in an hour. Then we will go together.

     He ends the call. Neil gets up and fresh up. He reaches the police station. Then Neil and DD drive towards central jail.

In central jail,

          Neil and DD enter central jail. They submitted the letter and went to the higher official cabin. DD asked about Ria. He said that she was in his custody. He gestured them to follow him and they too followed him. Then he stands and said that she is inside and you can investigate her. Then the officer moves from there. Neil and DD enter the room and sees Ria. Ria too sees them. She tried to get up, but she can't as her hands were handcuffed to the table. Neil sees DD, then DD releases the handcuffed. Neil and DD sat opposite to her. Ria gets emotional but she consoled herself.

Neil: Ho...How are you, Ria?

Ria: The same I can ask you, Neil Bro.

Neil: Do you think I will be fine after hearing such news?

Ria: Then how can you think that I will be fine after..... losing my si...sister... in front of...... my eyes.

Neil: The same thing I wanted to ask you, how you came to the murder spot? And the knife was in your hand when police came there, right. How?

Ria: When I entered the house, I saw my sis was in the blood pool. I don't know what to do. I couldn't register it, anything. When I moved near her......


   Ria enters the house and saw Avni in the blood pool. She walks towards her with a shaky leg and her eyes were teary. She sat on the floor and placed Avni's head on her lap. She tried to open her eyes.

Ria(in a shocking and crying voice): A...Avni... Avni...Avni... My dear sis....get up....what is this? Who has done this to you? Please get up. Avni.....please get up. See me. Open your eyes, Avni. You are frightening me, Avni. Please get up. Ok, I am sorry, I am sorry....for not talking with you and for fighting with you. Please give me some other punishment for fighting with you, but please don't leave me. Please...please Avni.....get up, open your eyes Avni. You won't open your eyes? Ha, I know what you want. I won't go abroad for higher studies, I will study here itself, ok. Happy, now open your eyes and speak to me. Won't you. Avni, please...

        (  she starts to cry aloud by hugging her. Then she sees the knife in her stomach. )
     This will pain you a lot, right.  First I call the ambulance.

   ( she took her phone and tried to call, but she notices that her phone was switched off.)

       No, Avni. I w.....wo...won't leave you. You can't separate from me. Open your eyes, Avni.
Then Avni opened her eyes slowly. Ria gets happy by seeing Avni opens her eyes. Ria made her sit by leaning her into the sofa. And cupped her face.

Ria: Avni, Avni. Tell me which idiot has done to you. I won't leave him/her for sure. Tell me.

Avni: Ria....ah... lea....ah....leave this place. Ah......  don't be here. Just......re...mem.....ber this o...ne thing, my situ....ati....on made me to op...oppose your wish. Ah....ah.... I am not the one...ah.... who stops you.  Your ha.... happiness is mine. Whe... wherever you want to go just go, but don't be here, now. Ah...ah.....Love you, Ria. Bye,  take..... care of yourself, mm. Ah...ah.....ah....

Ria: Avni.....Avni.... Wait I will take the knife from your stomach, it soothes your pain.

      Then she takes the knife from her stomach, Avni closed her eyes by the sudden action and electricity comes, police surrounded her and arrested her.

Flashback ends.....

       Ria is sobbing and DD gave water to her. Neil too cries, but he composed himself. Then Ria wiped her tears.

Ria:“ Love you, ria. Take care of yourself”. This was the last word she spoke to me. She closes her eyes by seeing me.
You know about us, right?
       She sees Neil while asking this question and Neil too sees her and nodded his head.

Ria: We lost our parents when I was 7 years old. After our parent's death, Avni...my sis....my dear..... baby doll. My happiness is her happiness. I never asked her that it will be nice right if our parents were here. No, never. Because she itself enough for me. She never left my hands and holds my hand whenever I was in danger. She never left my side. But, what I have done to her? No, nothing. I am just useless in her life. I didn't give her anything. Instead, I gave her pain. I not even thought to ask her is she has some problem but no, instead of that I fought with her. I am useless.

     By saying this she again started to cry.

Neil: Listen, Ria, you are not useless. You are the biggest gift for her. If not you, then she has died before so many years.

      Ria sees him and Neil nods his head.

Neil: when your parents died, she was shattered and she doesn't know what to do. Even she was a child, 12 years old girl. You were the reason, she lived her life. You are not useless. You are the ray of hope in her life. She lives this life for you. You are the love of her life.  Like you said your happiness is her happiness. That's why I loved her. Her love towards you made me fall for her.  Wait for a few days,  I will find the real murderer and take you out from jail.
      Now, tell me did you see anyone around there in the house?

Ria: No, I saw only Avni sis.

Neil: Did you see anything which will make you get suspicious? Like objects....

Ria: No.

DD: At which time you entered the house?

Ria: it's 8:30 pm.

Neil: Your phone was switched off, right. Then how you came to know the time correctly.

Ria: When I reached home, I saw the street shop is getting closed. Every day, they will close the shop correctly, at 8:30 pm.

Neil: ok, then we take leave from here.  Don't lose hope, I will find the murderer.

    By saying this Neil and DD moves out of the room and came out of central jail. The officer too locked in her prison. Neil and DD came to the police station.

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