Enquiring others

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Hii guys!!!!


        Neil and DD drive the jeep towards the police station. After reaching they entered Neil's cabin and sat on the chair. DD was about to speak but Neil's phone rings. He saw the caller id and attend it.

Neil: Tell me, Monica.

Monica: Bro, Is Ria with you? I mean. You went to enquire her, so I thought to speak to her.

Neil: ab...Monica, we came to the police station.

Monica: oh, ok bro.

Neil: it's skipping out of my mind. Sorry,

Monica: it's okay, bro. No worry, mm....chill. I will see you at our home, bye.

Neil: Bye.

     They ended the call.

Neil: Did you communicate with Mitali?

DD: ya, she told us we can come tomorrow as she wants to call the guard.

Neil: why? I mean can't we move to the office now.

DD: we can. But the office was closed, right. So, she wants to make sure is everything ok.

Neil: ok.

DD: Have you got any clue after talking with Ria?

Neil: No. Still, I am clueless.

      One of the police officers came inside and said that a lady came to visit you as you called her. Neil asked her to come inside. Then the police officer moves outside and asked her to go in. She came inside by knocking on the door. Neil told her to sit and she sat on the chair opposite Neil.

Neil: so, you are Avni's neighbour and you are the one who called the police on April 13, right.

Neighbour: yes sir.

Neil: ok. What's your name?

Neighbour: Nirmala Mohan.

Neil: ok, Mrs Mohan. What made you call the cop for seeing Avni's house? Because as per the information we got, Avni was in Ria's college function, which means you also came to know about it. Then why did you call a cop?

Nirmala: yes sir, I know that Avni and Ria have gone to college function. That's why I have called the cop. I felt something strange in that house.

Neil: May I know, What kind of strange you felt?

Nirmala: sir, My sister has called me to talk with me. When I am speaking with her I came to the terrace as a signal is weak. When I came out I heard a different sound from Avni's house.

Neil: like...

Nirmala: things broken sound and a girl screaming in pain. I was afraid that who was the girl shouting in Avni's house when no one is not there. Then I cut the sister's call and saw Avni's house. Then I saw someone standing beside the glass wall and show some paper through a torch. In that paper, it's written please help me and call the police. When the person tried to show her face, the other one gripped her and take her out. I was panicked about what to do. Then I called the police and informed them about it. Then I called Avni to tell her about this incidence is happening in her house. But her phone was switched off. Then I came inside and waited for the police. When I heard a police jeep sound, I landed outside and shown them the house. When we reached inside I couldn't able to believe my eyes what I have seen. That Avni was killed by her sister.

Neil: Didn't you thought to move to her house and see what's happening?

Nirmala: I thought, but I was nervous to go and see her house. Moreover, I have a 16 years old girl child sir, if I move there and something wrong happens to me then my child.....
    I was feared, sir. That's why I didn't move there. But for that, I am not that much coward sir, so I called cop as the person instructed sir.

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