Real Culprit 01

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Neil: So, shall we start?

DD: Neil, everything is ready. They can't escape from us without telling the truth.

Neil: Ya, DD. They can't. Because we have evidence against them. So, you all have to say what you know without hiding the things. What's your name?

Boy: Mahesh.

Neil: How do you know Avni?

Boy: As I told you before on the day you came to see Mitali's sis house, the same only. She asks the way to their house only. I only showed her way.

Neil: Ok. What is your name?

Girl: Tara. I was Avni mam's P.A before 4 years.

Neil: Why did she take you out of this position?

Tara: I have cheated her. She came to know that. That's why she remove me from that position.

Neil: May I know what kind of cheating you have done?

Tara: When I was a P.A for Avni man, I came to know that she is going to run a school for village people. At the same time, ab...i... woh...I mean...

Neil: Will you speak what you know? Don't try to cover it. Because I know everything. If you accept it, the punishment will be lesser. So, tell me, Miss Tara.

Tara: At the same time, Vidyuth sir came to Avni mam to give a contract for his party. Through our office staff, he came to know that Avni mam is going to buy the land. It was the same land which he thought to buy from RK sir. But he refused it. So, he got a chance, now. He called me and asked me to do this favour. At first, I refused, but he told me that he will give me the money how much I want. For the money, I have accepted his deal. I gave every information regarding that land to him. At last, I gave the detail of that the land was in the name of Ria. He gave the money for that. That's it.

Neil: That's it? How you changed the land to him?

Tara: I don't know.

Neil: Tara...

Tara: I seriously don't know about it. He didn't tell me anything about that. He will ask me to know the details and I will tell him. For that, he will give money. And I am the one, who took the land property from Avni mam and gave it to him. He told me to not give the call of RK, Raguveer or Mitali to Avni mam for some days. So, I disconnect their rings whenever they call. At once I blocked their number and deleted the call history. I don't know other than this.

Neil: How come Avni discontinue you from the job? For what reason?

Tara: Because I caught red-handed. RK sir filed a complaint against Avni mam. So, Avni mam came to know that their land was changed to another one without her absence. Then only she checked the phone that I have blocked their number. She interrogates me and caught me red-handed. She removes me from her job because I betrayed her. After that, I don't know, what happened?

Neil: Ok, you go and sit at that corner of the bench.

                Tara nodded her head and went there and sat on the bench.

Neil: So, Mahesh did you go along with her when she asked the way to RK sir's house?

Mahesh: Yes sir. Plus, I am the one who took her inside their home as she requested because RK sir is not ready to meet her.

Neil: Did you know what happened when they both meet each other?

Mahesh: Ha, sir. Still, it is in my eyes. As for the first time, one person spoke against RK sir and he was guilt for not believing her.

Neil: Tell me, what happened there?

Mahesh: Sir, she didn't know the way to RK sir house. At the time, she saw me under the tree with some boys, she asked me to show the way to RK sir house. And I showed as I don't know she was the person whom RK sir choose for giving the land to her. When we reached there...


                Mahesh and Avni reached the RK's house and entered inside. By seeing Avni,  RK asked her to leave the house.

Avni: Sir, please hear me once.

RK: I don't want to hear anything from you. I believed you. But, what have you done? You cheated me by selling the land to the pandit industry. How can you do this? Is money is so much important for you?

Avni(shouts): Stop it, sir. Please, enough of your talks. I can't hear any more of your ill words about me.

RK: Oh, you can't shout at me. How can you even face me after doing this?

Avni: Sir, will you please hear me once? I am not the one who sold the land to them. Even they cheated us.

RK: What are you saying?

Avni: Sir, my P.A has betrayed me in this. ( Avni told everything to him) This is what happens. After your complaint only I came to know everything. I am really sorry for what my P.A has done.

RK: No, no I am the one who needs to ask sorry to you. I have misunderstood you. I am sorry Avni. I did not even believe you for once. I am...

Avni: The same I came here to tell you, sir. You didn't believe me for once. Why sir? Am I not capable of your belief! Or do you think that I am money-minded as I said ok without even thinking for once to you?

RK: Not like that, Avni. It's just the moment I wronged you.

Avni: Yes sir. It is at the moment you thought me wrong. I think hereafter it is not going to work between us. When we are doing group activity we need to believe our partners. We should not suspect them for once till the activity finish. If we suspect them for once, it won't stop until the activity finish. We will suspect them for everything.

RK: Avni, it won't happen again I promise.

Avni: But I lost my belief, sir. I think it won't work between us. We will stop here. You can search for someone for this position sir, you leave me. I am done with this sir.

RK: Avni...

Avni: Please sir I can see how much belief you are having in me by your complaint through the police.

RK: This won't happen again. I am...

Avni: I was hurt, sir. How can you think of me like that? Anyway, sir, you can see someone for this. I think I am not capable of this. Please sir, hereafter from my side, no one will disturb you.

             By saying this, she took the documents from her handbag. She handed it to R.K. He saw that and saw Avni.

Avni: This was the document that my sister Ria signed for that pandit industry without her knowledge. I got that from Vidyuth pandit. And don't worry I tore the papers which you have given to me.

RK: Avni, think for once.

Avni: No, sir. I have decided. Thanks for everything. I have given this paper to you because I thought you have to tear this. That's why I came here to give this and to clear your misunderstanding about me. Thank you, sir. I am leaving.

                  She left that place. RK phone calls to the police and took out of the complaint. And that boy too left.

Flashback ends...

Mahesh: This is what happens.

Neil: Ok, go and sit on the corner of the bench.

Mahesh: Thank you, sir.

Neil: So, what's your name?

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