Neil's investigation

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                  After getting a complaint from Mitali, DD came out with a file and came to Neil. He gave the complaint letter to Neil. They both came out of the central jail and headed towards the khanna Mansion. When Neil enters the living room, Juhi came towards him to ask about the case. But, before that, he entered his room and locked it. She saw DD and DD were seeing her.

Juhi: Did you got any clue?

DD: Oh, we got one old case from this case.

Juhi: What?

DD: He will come after freshening up. You go and call Ria. He wants to investigate her.

Juhi: Ok.

             Juhi goes and calls Ria. Juhi, Ria and DD were sitting in the garden. Neil came there with the cup of tea in the tray. They took the tea and sip that.

Juhi: Neil, tell me exactly what was happened there. Why do you want to investigate Ria again?

Neil: Juhi, it is very complicated than we were thinking. You are right, that file and Avni both are connected with Mitali in this murder. This interconnection dot making a different story. I can clear only when I investigate Ria, first.

Juhi: You mean...

             He told everything that Mitali says. And finally about the complaint she has given. This shocked Juhi and Ria.

Neil: I took this case to prove Avni's innocence. And I will prove that. Now this case track has changed to another track. She told that Avni had sold the land to pandit industries. And even their meeting time proves the same. But, before that Ria, you want to answer my question.

Ria: Neil bro, Avni sis didn't kill them. She is not the person who will kill someone like that. I am sure there is a trap for her. She is innocent.

Neil: I know Ria, I will prove that. Tell me, why did you guys meet the owner of pandit industries?

Ria: How did I know bro? I have heard only this industry name when Avni told me that she is the event manager for their success party function. After that, I not even heard that name. Moreover, I have not seen any of the people there. I never met them.

Neil: You mean, you never met the owner or the employees who are working in pandit industries.

Ria: I never met.

Neil: Mitali told that Avni had come to her village to see her grandpa. Did you know about that anything?

Ria: I don't know. But she told that she had stopped working with them in that school work. I asked her why? She told me that there is a misunderstanding and it can't be solved. She didn't tell me anything further as I was a school student at that time. I don't know further about this. now only I know after you saying that they have given a police complaint about Avni. I don't know that. 

Neil: Ok, Ria. You go and take a rest.

             Ria nodded her head and left that place.

Neil: DD, do one thing collect every information regarding the pandit industry. And how they got to land from Avni. And most important I want an appointment letter to see the owner of the pandit industry.

DD: Sure, Neil. I will take a leave.

          DD too left.

The next day...

               DD gave the appointment letter to Neil. Neil entered the pandit industry and shows the appointment letter to the receptionist. She told the way to the cabin. He thanked the receptionist and entered the cabin. The owner asked him to take a seat.

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