Avni's House

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Hii guys!!!


In the morning everyone in the Khanna family and Juhi excluding Neil assembled in the dining hall. Shweta goes to his room and called him for breakfast. When he came and sat near Monica, she gets up and tries to move from that place. But, Neil held her hand and gestured her to sit in the chair through eyes. She sat in her place and the place was more silent than before. Neil took one of the pieces from Dosa and gave it to Monica. She sees his hand and him. He placed his other hand on his ear and asked sorry and his eyes were teary. Monica's eyes too got teary by seeing him and she gets dosa from him and hugged him. He too hugged her. Then they broke the hug. Then Monica started to beat his shoulder lightly. Then he stops by catching her hand and he again says Sorry. Khanna family and Juhi smiled by seeing them.

Neil: I am sorry, because of anger I poured that words.

Monica: I too sorry, I should have informed you already about Ria's disorder. It's my fault too.

Neil: No, it's not your fault.

Monica: No, it's. But, really Bro I have not informed you because Avni sis got a promise from me to not tell anyone, that's why I didn't say to you, otherwise, I would have told you.

Neil: I can understand.

Juhi: Ok, ok, Enough of dramas, now start to eat. We need to move police station.

After breakfast, when Neil and Juhi were about to leave, Monica called him.

Monica: Bro, that Ria...

Neil: See Monica, I can understand that you know about Ria's medical history. But I can't disregard that she is a murderer too. If you are accepting it or not, that's the truth. I don't want to take this topic to speak with you as we will move into a fight like yesterday and I don't want that now.

Monica: Bro, please...

Neil: I am moving, Bye.

Then Neil and Juhi sat in the car and Neil drives the car. Then they came to the place where they want to come. And already DD was present there with some police officers and forensic departments.

Juhi: So, this is where your Juliet, lived.

Neil: Yes.

Neil standing in front of Avni's house and starts to remember how he visits her home for the first time, how she waved her hand to say bye by standing near the gate when he moves out of her house and their cute fights, everything. Neil came out of his trance when DD called him.

Neil: What?

DD: See there.

Neil and Juhi see where DD shows and they sees AK is coming towards them.

AK: Hello, Neil and DD Sir and Juhi mam.

Neil and DD: Hello, AK sir.

Juhi: What are you doing here?

AK: Can't you reply hello, for formal.

Juhi: I asked you something.

AK: The same purpose for what you came here. I.e, Evidence. What if you do some malpractice to take Ria out, that's why I am here.

Juhi: You, how can you say that I can cheat to take her out.

AK: By seeing your face, only.

Juhi: How could you? Have you seen your face anywhere, don't show this face to the kids. They will get scared by seeing you, they will think that you have come here to kidnap them and the kids will run and say to their mom, that some monster has come to kidnap them.

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