At Party💟

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Hi guys!!


At party hall,

   All the police officer from that department and their families came. Commissioner called everyone through Mike to seek their attention. He welcomed everyone and finally finished his speech by saying that to enjoy the party. Neil sits with Karan and talking together.

Karan: Neil sir, where is your family?

Neil: I didn't call them man.

Karan: why sir?

Neil: I want to give them a surprise by visiting them the day after tomorrow, can you understand.

Karan: ok sir. But sir,(in teasing tone) only to give surprise for your family or...

Neil smiles by his word.
Karan: so my assumption is correct.

Commissioner: which prediction of yours turned to be correct?

  They both stand and salute him. Then the commissioner told them to sit. They sat in their place.

Commissioner: so answer my question, Karan.
  Neil glares him to not say, which was noticed by the commissioner's daughter Juhi.

Juhi: Dad, you can't get an answer from Karan.

Commissioner: why?
Juhi: Because Neil says him to not say through eyes. Right Neil

Neil: Nothing like that, Juhi.

Juhi: Then Karan, tell us.

Karan: Sir, want to surprise his family as well as his girlfriend.

(Suddenly commissioner got a call, so he went from there.)
Juhi: what? Girlfriend,  I have no idea what to say now, Neil.....

Neil: Juhi, sorry for not telling you, but listen...

Juhi: just a sorry is not enough for me.

Neil: Then what you need?

Juhi: wait, let me think🤔

Karan: Ask sir, how they met the first time?  
Juhi: Nice idea. I will guess how you met her for the first time ........
Ha, I am sure you met her at the park for the first time.  You would have run to the park in the morning Jogging. Your heroine was on the other side playing with the kids. By hearing the sounds of children, you turn and saw her. Her beautiful smile and mesmerizing eyes, make you fall for her. Am I right?

Neil: No
Juhi: Then, how?
Neil: I am an SI in my hometown before three years.
That day was my special day. I still remember that day, Feb 14, at 12 pm, I saw her.
Juhi: so, you saw your special person on that special day.
Neil: Yes.
Juhi: say further.
Neil: I do not know what happened to me. I had been reading the case for a long time. Suddenly I got a call from my mother.


Then Neil saw the time, that shows 10:30 pm. Then he attended the call.
Neil: Mom, I will be there in an hour.

Shweta: Neil, you...

Neil: I will come home, ok. Just got busy at work Mom.
  By saying this he ended the call. On the way, his Jeep gets jolts. He gets down from the Jeep and checks. He saw his jeep tyre got punctured.

Neil(in mind): oh god! This Jeep, Neil now no one can't help you from your mother's reprimand. She will start her mantras as soon as I reach the house, " Neil, how many times have I told you to come home early. if you came late, then you will skip your dinner. It will affect your health, listen Neil this is the last warning for you and if you do again like this, and blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh god, please show me the way.
   Then he hears a girl sound who is seeking help. He turns and see everywhere, but couldn't find the girl. Then he hears a knock on the store door. He walks near the store and stands there.

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