Investigation starts....

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Hii guys!!!


The next day,

In Khanna mansion,

           Neil gets ready in his police uniform. He saw Avni's image on his phone and smiles.

Neil: I will find the murderer who killed you Avni and I will punish the murderer by law. Investigation begins.......

In the police station,

Neil: How did every piece of evidence succeeded against her?

DD: Well, the murderer must have planned properly. And you know what, the time of leaving of both the girls was same on that day.

Neil: so, that means the murderer has pre-planned to kill my Avni.

DD: yes.

Neil: Where is Ria, now? And how is she?

DD: she is in central jail. She is okay, but not fine.

Neil: Make the arrangements to meet her tomorrow.

DD: ok.

Neil: Is Avni had any enemies in her personal or business fields in these 2 years? When I was with her, I didn't see anyone who opposes her.

DD: No, we examined everything. She didn't have any business rivals as well as in her personal life too.

Neil: How did Ria come into the murder spot?

DD: That, You want to ask her. You are in the charge of this case. We are not allowed to enquire her. As it was a murder case.

Neil: Then okay. Has Avni met a new person in these 2 years?

DD: Nope. But Aunty said that she behaved something different for a month before she was killed. Even they said Avni behaved something strange before she leaves the function. She was tensed about something. And after she got a phone call, she was panicked and leaves the place.

Neil: Did Mom asked Ria about Avni's worry?

DD: No. Ria doesn't know about it.

Neil: How?

DD: Ria and Avni quarrel with each other and didn't speak for 3 weeks. So she doesn't know about Avni's strange behaviour. Monica and Ali planned to mingle them in a college function, but before that Avni leaves from there as she got the call. So, Ria too followed her.

Neil: oh. They both got into a fight and didn't speak for 3 weeks. ( then Neil remembers something) ya, she too behaves strangely with me, man.

DD: To you, When did you meet her?

Neil: oh God, while I am talking with her through the phone. And you know by her stupid question, I was so mad at her and yelled at her. And I planned to not call her before she realises her mistake. (Then he stops in a mid. And laughed hurtfully) But before that, everything.....

DD: Neil.......

Neil: I am alright. Ok, nothing just thought about it. That's it.

DD: But, what did she asks?

        Neil thinks about it. And he said it's nothing just leave that. DD too stopped to ask about it, he doesn't want to compel him as he was already heartbroken.

Neil: What about the Avni phone? I couldn't see it here.

DD: Her phone was missing. When we tracked her number we couldn't find the place as her phone was switched off, the final destination was her house.  Her phone got switched off after she enters her house.

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