Video call

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Hii guys!!!


         Neil thinks something and his face becomes brighter. He turns and asked two police officers to visit Mrs Nirmala Mohan house and to move to the place where she saw Avni when she asked for help from her. Then they both hurried to her home.

Neil: Follow me.
        DD, Juhi, AK and remaining police officers followed Neil as he instructed him. They came inside Avni's room. Then Neil asked one of the police officers to call the officer who went there. They too called them. And gave the phone to Neil. Neil placed the phone near the ear, they said they are standing near the terrace where Mrs Nirmala saw Avni. Then Neil turn towards DD and asked him to stand near the glass door. He too stands near that. Neil asked the police officer who is on the call inquired that whether they can able see DD, they replied No.

Neil: Can you able to see them?

DD: No.

         Then Neil asked them to wait there until he orders them to come here. They too said ok. Then he ended the call.

Juhi: What you are trying to do, man?

Neil: Did you observe keenly, what AK sir says? What do you understand from his words?

Juhi: She doesn't keep Ria's report here.

Neil: That's not, Juhi. Can't you guess what I'm thinking?

Juhi: Neil, how can we guess what you are thinking?

DD: Exactly, and what point you got from Ak sir says that we couldn't able to find what you are guessing... AK sir, can you understand what he got from your point?

AK: No.

Neil: You too, Ok, wait AK sir said that when she tried to hide the disorder from Ria then how can she keep the report in her room, Right.

All: Yes.

Neil: As per our calculation, Avni hides from the murderer for nearly 10 minutes. When she was hidden Mrs Nirmala has seen her when she asked for help from her. So, in nearly 10 min she has hidden somewhere.

AK: so, you are thinking this may be one of the places.

Neil: No, I am sure she has hidden here.

DD: But, Neil I too can't see the house of Mrs Nirmala and they too can't see us, then how you are saying that she has hidden here.

Neil: common Man, as I said now link this hidden Avni with the words of AK. She must have hidden somewhere, where the murderer can't able to find her so that she can escape from the murderer.

Juhi: But Neil, this room can be found by the murderer easily, and you too checked it now.

Neil: Juhi, as I said what I mean is that this room is the place where she came to hide, but not here.

All: We couldn't able to understand.

Neil: After I came to your hometown as ACP, we will call and talk daily through the phone. Sometimes voice calls and sometimes video calls. One fine day, I think after a year came to your town she called me to speak......


         Avni video called Neil to give him a surprise. After so many missed calls, he attended Avni's call. Before he could say hi to her, she started to speak to him.

Avni: Neil, how many times I have called you? Why didn't you pick up my calls? Is everything ok? Are you alright? Why your face is looking so pale? Do you have a fever or fall in sick? Did you eat your breakfast? Mummyji informs me that you are skipping meals? Is that the reason for looking tired? I am asking you these many questions and you not even answering me? Do you know how impatient I was when you didn't pick up my calls? I was worried for you and here you are not answering even one of my questions...

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