Juhi VS Mitali

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Hii Guys!!!


         Juhi and AK argue with each other. AK gave the photo in which Avni and Ria were with that Old man. Before he could say that Ria is a murderer Juhi interrupts him.

Juhi: Your honour, I would like to investigate one person in this sensational time.

Judge: Who was that?

Juhi: Avni's friend........Mitali

         Mitali was shocked to hear this. But she came and stand in the witness box. She wished the Judge and turn towards Juhi. AK came and sat in his place.

Juhi: Mitali, I don't want to ask you everything indirectly. I will ask every question of mine, you just answer straight forward ok.

Mitali: Ya

Juhi: Where were you when Avni's murder happens?

Mitali: I went to my hometown that week for my father's 4th death anniversary.

Juhi: Ok. Will you visit that place every year?

Mitali: Yes. But I couldn't visit before year due to work.

Juhi: At which time you have booked a train ticket?

Mitali: 11:45 am train.

Juhi: While returning, how did you come? By train or some other.

Mitali: By train.

Juhi: How many years of friendship for you and Avni?

Mitali: I couldn't say that exactly. We were friends since childhood. But she vacated that place when she entered college. After that, we couldn't able to be in contact with each other.

Juhi: Then again when did you meet each other?

Mitali: When I came to her office for an interview, we saw each other and again our friendship journey starts.

Juhi: Didn't you know that before that it was your friend's company?

Mitali: Not exactly.

Juhi: Ok, leave that. Let's come to the main point. Did you know about Ria's mental disorder?

Mitali: ab....i... Don't know.

Juhi: Avni didn't say anything to you about Ria's disorder.

Mitali: No.

Juhi: Apart from your father who was your family members?

Mitali: My mom, my grandparent and my sister.

Juhi: Where were they?

Mitali: they...ab...

Juhi: After your father's death only na, you came here for work. That means before that, what kind of work you have done and where?

Mitali: I worked with my father in his shop. After his death, I sold that shop and came here.

Juhi: what's your number when you were with your father? Exactly before 4 years.

Mitali: The same number which I am using now.

Juhi: Where were you on March 28th and 29th?

Mitali: I was here only.

Juhi: Are you sure?

Mitali: Ya.

Juhi: Where were you on August 7th?

Mitali: I was here only.

Juhi: I mean, did you travel anywhere?

Mitali: No.

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