Remember (Lams pt3).

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Hercules and Lafayette ended up leaving two hours later. They had told John about what they had done in their collage and high-school years. Not all of it but the most eventful. John's memory had a limit, He could only remember small details of very few days, even if Hercules and Laf tried to remind him, he wouldn't recall most of it. He felt bad that he didn't recall them, but, he felt even worse when they told him about this one particular event where Alexander saved his life...and he didn't remember. He also didn't remember loving Alexander...he could tell that he did love him a lot but he just... he couldn't remember the feeling of loving him.

Alexander didn't visit John for a couple days after the last time. Even though Philip was begging him.

"Papa. I want to visit Daddy..."

"N-not today, Philip."

"Why not..?"

"b-because...I just...I need some time..." Alexander sighed deeply.

Philip walked up to him and put his little hand on his shoulder. "Papa..?" He looked worried.

Alexander looked at him. "Philip, go play."

"But I want to play with Daddy..."

"Y-yeah I know you do...just, not today."

"Why..? Papa...are you okay?"

"Uh. Y-yeah I'm okay Philip." He lied.

Philip examined his father and shook his head. "No you're not, I bet going to see Daddy will make you smile."

Alexander shook his head. "N-no, Philip..."

"Then why not?"

"J-just not today." He grabbed his pen and started writing again.

Philip looked at Alexander, his eyes full of concern. He looked at what he was writing and his face fell. "Papa...are you and daddy," he began. "Is daddy never going to...?"

"To what?"

"To love you and me again?" He let his head fall and he looked down at the ground. His hand slowly sliding off Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander sighed and put his pen down again. "I...I honestly don't...don't know," His eyes began to blur with tears. He put his hand on top of the five year old's smaller one. "I...j-just don't know."

Philip looked at Alexander. "W-what if he doesn't, papa?" His lip quivered. "I-I s-still want to see my dad everyday."

Alexander turned around in his chair so he was facing Philip. He embraced the child. Philip buried his head into Alexander's chest and began to weep over the thought. "S-shh...i-it'll be o-okay." Alexander fought his own tears. He gently kissed the top of Philip's head.


John laid his head on the pillow, lost in thought. His room was silent. The only sound you could hear was the tick of the clock and the occasional nurse or doctor walking passed. He was waiting for Alexander and Philip to visit him.

They didn't that day.

Or the next.

John began to worry about them because they'd never been this long without seeing him. Was it something he said...? No. Even if he did he knew that Alexander would come back.

"M-maybe he's just busy," he told himself. "If he wasn't he'd visit me. He always did." He looked up at the clock 11:35 it seemed to be so much longer. He had nothing to do in that blank white room and wished someone would go visit him. Every ten minutes or so he'd look at the door, hoping someone was there and no-one ever was.

He got out of bed, his legs a bit wobbly at first because he hadn't walked in so long. He walked over to the window of his room and looked out of it. The trees of the park across the street seemed to shine in the sunlight as the gentle wind blew the leaves. There were people walking in the park, some seemed to be in a rush and had a quick pace while others seemed to be enjoying the nature around them. He sighed. "It's so beautiful out there..."

He looked at a bench that seemed familiar, he gave it a quizzical look. That's when he felt a subtle pain in his left part of his frontal lobe.

Hey look I made you some content. Daddy made you your favorite open wide! - Fennic 

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