Meet Veronica Mulligan ( Mullette)

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"Hello! I'm Veronica Mulligan!" The bubbly little girl with dark skin and long, brown frizzy hair said to the mirror. "No no no. Much to loud." She was going to meet her uncles today. She was excited, her father's had told her A lot about them. She kinda wondered  why she had never met them.

"Veronica! Come on down stairs! They are on their way!" Hercules hollered to his daughter.

"Okay!" She smiled and opened her door and ran down the stairs, her hair bouncing each time her foot touched the ground.

Hercules looked at her and smiled. "My little girl is growing up. Almost six years old now."

"Yep! My teachers say I am too smart to be only five."

"Yes I know." He smiled. "I think you get that from your father."

"Oui, probably." Lafayette said with a smile.

There was a knock on the door. "That must be them." Hercules smiled.

"Oh! I wanna show them something. I'll be right back." Veronica said and ran back up the stairs.

Hercules got up and opened the door. "Hey guys! Come on in." He smiled and let them in. "Go ahead and take a seat."

John took a seat on the couch and so did Alexander.

"Where's Philip?"

"Oh, he is at home. You know teenagers. They always want to be left alone." Alexander snorted.

John looked at Alexander. "...wait. wasn't he texting Theo before we left..?"

"Yeah why?"

"He could be with her right now..."

"What would they be doin- oh. Let's hope not."

Lafayette snorted. "While you two figure put what your son is doing I'm going to go check to see what my daughters is doing." He got up and walked up stairs to her room. "Hey what are you looking for?"

Veronica looked at him. "Well I can't find it so I guess I won't show it."

"Alright, well they are down stairs waiting so let's go." He smiled.

"Okay!" She smiled and walked out the door. He chuckled and walked out with her.

She ran down the stairs and looked at Alexander and John. "Hello!" She smiled.

"Hi." John smiled. Alexander waved.

"I'm Veronica Mulligan! Daughter of Marquis and Hercules." She giggled.

Hercules snorted and smiled. Lafayette stood beside Hercules.

"I'm John Hamilton." John smiled.

"And I am Alexander Hamilton." Alexander smiled.

"So uncle John is the Freckled one and  uncle Alexander is the other one...okay!" She smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you to Veronica." Alexander said. "You look a lot like your fathers."

"Yeah I know! I have daddy's nose and Papa's hair. They say I am the most beautiful girl they know but I think that's an overstatement. The only person who is prettier than me is Beyoncé."

"Non, chérie. You're prettier then Beyoncé." Lafayette said (chérie. Translation: honey.)

Hercules nodded. "You really are."

She sighed. "Fineeee."

John looked at Alexander. "She really is their daughter." He whispered. Alexander nodded.

"Hey, I would believe your fathers. I'm  bisexual and that means I can like both men and women, and you by far are the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Alexander smiled. "So when anyone tells you that then you better believe them. They know what they are talking about."

She smiled a bit. "Okay. I believe you."

Hercules and Lafayette smiled.

"How old are you, Veronica?" John asked.

"I'm five, almost six. Why?"

"Oh just you seem much older like maybe around the age of eight or nine."

"I get told that a lot." She smiled. "I think it's because I have Daddy's height. I am also very smart. I think I get that from papa. He learned English in two years."

"Yes, we know. We helped, well I helped teach him." Alexander chuckled.

"Wait, you're fluent in french?"

"Yes I am."

"Cool! I am still learning but papa is teaching me." She smiled. "Wait don't you have a son..?"

"Yes we do."

"I thought so. Where is he?"

"At home. And his name is Philip if you were wondering."

"Okay cool! Well If papa and daddy says it's okay I'm going to go play."

Lafayette and Hercules nodded and Verconica ran up the stairs and into her room.

"She really is your daughter." John said. "You can tell."

"Oui. It's very obvious."

"Yeah, she is a really interesting girl though." Hercules chuckled.
I hope you all enjoyed this! I think one of the most interesting characters I have come up with is Verconica. Although she was pretty hard to do she was still fun to write. Well I think that's it for today I'll probably post more tomorrow. ~Abby

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