Home sweet home (Mullette)

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It was veterans day and  Hercules had been off to war for seven months. He tried to keep in touch as much as he could but he could only talk once a month. This wasn't only hard on Lafayette but it was probably harder for their 7 year old daughter, Veronica. She was very apprehensive about her father, especially because she hadn't seen him in so long.

Little did she or Lafayette know, Hercules was coming home. He was planning to enter during the assembly   that the school held each year. He told John and Alexander this but told them not to tell Lafayette or Veronica.

Hercules walked up to the gym door, just before the assembly started. He texted Alexander so he knew when he should enter.         Hey alex, I'm here. Just tell me when they call my name.

Alright! I'll let you know

He sighed. "God I can't wait to see them again..."

"I miss Daddy..." Veronica said looking up at Lafayette. "Is he okay, papa?"

Lafayette looked down at her and sat down in his chair. "He is, don't worry." He said.

She sat down beside him. "Are you sure? He hasn't talked to us yet this month..."

"Veronica, I worry about him too, but he is fine, trust me. I bet he couldn't talk to us because he's been busy."

"Okay." She laid her head against his arm.

"May I have your attention please?" A man stood up to the podium in the center of the gym. "I would like to thank you all for coming to our veterans day assembly. We have some special guests today..."

Hercules looked down at his phone. C'mon. I really want to see them... he thought. Alexander texted him around ten minutes later.

Hercules, get ready.

Okay, thanks!

He walked up to the door. He could hear the person naming off names of veterans. When the time came, Hercules opened the door  "Hercules Mulligan, navy."

Lafayette's eyes widened and Veronica sat up. "D-dad?" She looked around and sure enough there was Hercules stand on the other side of the gym. She stood up and pushed through the crowd, and ran to him. "Daddy!"

Hercules opened his arms and she ran  right into them. Hercules wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. Veronica was already starting to tear up and when Lafayette came running after her, so did Hercules. The crowd all cheered for them.

"God I missed you guys..." Hercules said as he clutched onto them.

"W-we missed you too, m-mon amour...!" Lafayette cried.

Veronica started crying as well. She buried her head into his shoulder. Hercules patted her back. "I-it's okay I'm here sweetie, I'm here..."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I...I was so worried D-dad."

"Well you don't have to worry anymore, I'm here. I-I'm not leaving you again." He kissed her cheek.

Lafayette looked up at him. "I-i missed you so m-much."

"I missed you guys more than anything in the world..."

They stood there hugging each other in silence.

I was hoping to get this done on veterans day but that didn't happen  so. But I still want to say thank you to our veterans and our military forces for all they Have done for America to keep us safe and free! Thank you! ~Abby

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