Philips "imaginary" friend (lams pt.4)

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"John..." Alexander murmured as he looked at the candle.

"Alexander...I'm sorry I just I-i cant. I can't talk to you... no matter how much I want to." John said, hesitantly taking another step back.

"John please. Please, I love you..." Alexander wiped the tears from his face and sat up, swinging his head around to look into the empty office space.

John bit his lip to refrain from crying. "..I'm sorry..." He spoke, his voice shaking. He was trying to conceal his emotions as best as he could. If he didn't, there would be a high possibility that Alexander could hear or even see him. "I- I can't."

"John...John..! I want more than anything to at least say goodbye! I know you're here! Please...just allow me to say goodbye..." Alexander cried. No. Pleaded. "Teach me how to say goodbye...."

John took another hesitant step back. He was beside the window at that point. In that moment he couldn't  hold it in. Alexander watched as John slowly began to appear in front of him. He saw the blood stained on his clothes, the bullet hole in his chest, and the tears streaming down his face.

 Alexander stood up in shock at the sight. "John," He spoke softly as he felt his heart break at the sight of the man before him. The man he loved was dead. He was dead and right in front of him. "Oh my god John!" Alexander ran towards the ghost but ran right through him. He turned around and looked at him.

John didn't look up from the floor. He didn't look at Alexander. He just simply muttered, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? John, this is all I could've asked for. I just want you back."

"I can't come back. I have to leave."


John lifted his head and looked at Alexander. "Look around at how lucky you are to be alive right now...You have a wife and children...a great job...Alexander if I stay...that will all go away. I know it. You'll only pay attention to me and I don't want that."

"John. John no. That's not what will happen. I mean I'll pay attention to you but i-" Alexander said frantically.

"Alex. I know you. You have a family you need to take care of and I have to leave. It's best that way. I'm sorry."

Alexander looked down at his feet. He bit his lip then looked back up at the Apparition in front of him, "John...I-i love you."

John smiled slightly and pushed a bit of Alexander's hair behind his ear. He then trailed his hand down his jaw line, "I know." He gave him a short sweet kiss before vanishing into thin air.

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