Alexander...I'm still here (Lams)

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Two weeks. It had been two weeks after John was shot and killed at a rally along with four other people. Alexander wasn't talking his death well at all. He was depressed and started to shut the world out.

John had unfinished business on earth and couldn't finish it because his unfinished business was marrying Alexander. Three weeks before he died they got engaged. So John was floating around the house with him and tried talking to him, it never worked. He would watch Alexander cry himself to sleep everynight. He could never bare watching it because he could never do anything about it. He would wrap his arms around him but Alexander didn't feel anything. John would plead for Alexander not to harm himself, but he could never hear a thing.

Alexander walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. He set his phone on the counter. It buzzed.

John looked at it. "Alexander it's Herc..."

Alexander...we are all very worried about you. You won't answer our texts or calls. Listen I know that losing John is's hard on all of us. So if you would just let us talk to you that would be great.

Alexander looked at his phone and groaned. "I honestly don't care..." he said. He ended up replying with a simple: ...

John looked at him. "Listen to him. He can help I know he can. He will listen to you...Alex please."

Alexander turned around and walked right through John. John vanished and appeared back in their room. He looked down at the ground and a tear fell down his cheek. It was always the moments like that, the moments where he suddenly was reminded nobody could see him. That all he was was thin air.

Alexander walked into the room and sat on the bed. He never touched John's side of the bed. Ever. There was a dead rose on the bedside and the engagement ring he had given to John, and there was one of his old shirts. His favourite one to be exact, and a photo of them together. Alexander looked at them and started crying again.

John looked over at him and sat down beside him and wrapped his arms around him. "Shh...honey...I'm sorry."

Alexander wiped his tears away and picked up the framed photo of them together and smiled slightly. "I...I remember this. were such a dork." He chuckled softly.

John smiled softly. "Yeah...yeah I was."

"I-I remember...that time you asked me out. Oh. That was so long ago..." he set it back down and wiped his eyes again. "I miss you so much..."

"I miss you so much as well. It hurts to be talking to you and you can't hear me, and I end up just talking to myself, I feel like I'm going insane."

Alexander sighed. "Oh John. I miss your smile...your freckles. Your face in general. I miss waking up to your beautiful face in the mornings. I can't even begin to say how much I miss you..."

" have no idea." He let his arms fall to his side. He looked down at his lap.

Alexander looked up at the sky and shook his head and looked back down. "God I just want you here."

John remembered all the sudden that they had a ouija board in the closet. They only used it once because it didn't work. John got up and floated to the closet and walked through the door and looked around. He saw the box underneath some clothes. "God I hope this works..." he knocked on the wall.

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