Philip, your face! (Lams)

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Philip got home after school and slammed the door after he entered. He dropped his bag. He had a black eye and a busted up lip, he had cuts all over his face some of which where bleeding. Tears threatened to fall.

"Hey Phil- Oh my god! What the hell happened to your face?!" Alexander said looking at his son.

"Alexander that's not som- Oh my god Philip!" John said.

Philip looked away from them.

"C'mere." Alexander said.

Philip wiped some blood off his lip. "I'm fine..."

"Philip, this is far from fine." John said.

"What happened?" Alexander asked.

"I-i u-uhm... I uh... fell down the um.. the stairs..." Philip lied. You could easily tell he was lying.

Alexander snorted. "That normally doesn't fuck your face up that bad."

John nodded. "He's right. What really happened?"

"Dear god, don't tell me you got into another fight?" Alexander said.

"No..." Philip lied again.

"Oh so you did. Philip what have we told you?"

"I'm sorry, I-i just..." a tear broke free and ran down Philips cheek.

"What happened?"

"I-i just wanted them to leave her alone..." Philip said as more tears started flowing down his face. Alexander looked at John, they both knew that this was probably about Theodosia Burr.

"What we're they saying to Theodosia?" John asked.

"T-they were calling her ugly and dumb. That nobody would ever love her and that she should join her mother and kill herself." Philip said, he was all choked up. He was holding back tears but some ended up escaping.

"My god people are stupid." Alexander said.

"I-i just couldn't let them do that to her...s-she doesn't deserve that." More tears flowed down Philips beaten up face, some of the cuts stung.

"C'mere." John patted the spot in between him and Alexander on the sofa. Philip walked over to the spot and sat down.

"Those people are just idiots" Alexander said. John nodded. "Tell Theo to not let them get to her. She is very pretty and very smart." Alexander said.

Philip wiped his cheek. "I Will. I-i just don't understand how someone could do something like that to anybody. How they could do that to Theo..."

"I don't either." Alexander wrapped his arms around his son.

"H-how would they feel if that was happening to them? I bet they'd feel pretty helpless..." more tears streamed down the poor boys face.

"They just think they can do it cause they're dumb." Alexander said.

John nodded. "They do that type of stuff for their own idiotic enjoyment."

"B-but why do that to anybody? W-why Theo?" Philip said.

"I don't know..." Alexander said.

"She never deserved this..." he sniffed

Alexander held him tighter and started rocking him. "No, she didn't."

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