The Meeting (SW AU Pt 2) (Lams)

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A dark hooded figure appears out of the darkness of the hall way of the Dark Councils room. In the room a long rectangular table seating many hooded figures. The figure entered the room and looks up slightly enough to see his Brown eyes that were starting to turn to a yellow. "Sir." The figure said.

"Hamilton, come in." The figure at the far end of the table said, he had a deep yet soft voice. "Have you met Mulligan?" He gestures to a man without a cloak holding a blaster, with his feet on the table.

He was a dark skinned Zabrak with light facial tattoos and ten horns a top his head. He looked up at Hamilton. "Hey." He said, emotionless.

"I don't believe I have met such a ugly thing in my entire life." Hamilton said.

"Hey who are you calling ugly? I'm a spy alright. For your side so I would shut it before I shoot this thing." He held up his blaster.

You could see the rage building up in Hamilton's eyes as the grew a darker yellow.

"Hamilton!" The figure said again.

Hamilton looked at him. "Master, I don't believe we need a spy."

"Alexander, there is no other way. A smuggler would never be thought to be a spy."

"Washington, master. I'm sorry but nobody likes a smuggler."

"But they would trust one. That's the thing."

"Nobody trusts a smuggler."

"That's true." Mulligan said. "I have never met someone who has trusted me until you arrested me. And all I have to say is that trusting me is a big mistake."

"Hercules mulligan we don't need your opinion on this matter." Washington said.

"Well I'm just saying you dumb sith trust the wrong people. I mean I was on Tython a while back and, you guys...I swear. Flesh raiders. Flesh raiders. Out of all the species you could corrupt you choose them." Hercules said. "I took 5 of them out with one blow. You really think they could do damage to the jedi?"

"I was a former padawan. They are weak." Hamilton said. "When I corrupted the flesh Raiders I knew they would at least slaughter the padawans. But more recently I found out that...they have a stronger one. The Padawan has killed one of the Alpha flesh raiders. I didn't think it was possible."

"Yes and apparently it is." Washington said.

"Do you remember the man, he was your friend turned enemy? I heard it was his daughter." One of the hooded cloaked figures said. "I belive she is around the age of twelve."

"When did she start her training?"

"I'm not sure."

Washington sighed. "Alright. We will find out in due time."

"In the mean time, If I may speak up. What the hell I am even here for? Are you going to send me on a mission and I get credits or what?" Hercules said.

Everyone exchanged eye contact, and started talking.

"Yes." Washington finally said. "We will send you on a mission so I would suggest you go and clean up your ship."

"What's the mission?"

"I will tell you later now I suggest you leave."

Hercules rolled his eyes and stood up and walked out.

"Mean while master Hamilton."


"I need you to find yourself some acolytes. And put them to tasks and see who lives."

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