Philips' "imaginary" friend (Lams [pt 1]) (past AU)

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John didn't know why but he was stuck. Stuck in the realm between the living and the dead. Sure, there were a lot of people in this realm but they all had reasons. Those reasons where typically things that had to do with something they hadnt finished. John wasn't sure what his reason was. All he knew was that he was stuck.

A person would think that a man would be stuck where he had died, but no, that wasn't John's case. John Laurens was bound to none other than Alexander. Well not exactly, he was bound to a piece of parchment with a letter written on it. Alexander carried this letter around basically everywhere he went. It was the last thing John Laurens had written to him before he had died.

September 10, 1782
three weeks after John's death

John woke up to find himself lying on a sofa in what appeared to be Alexander's house. He looked around a moment only to see Eliza standing in front of him, holding a swaddled baby in her arms, with a bright smile on her face.

John stood up and looked at Eliza. "Ma'am, are you Mrs. Hamilton?" He asked, yet there was no answer. "Elizabeth? Hello?" Yet again, no answer. He walked over to her. "Do you not see me?" He asked once again, and like before. No answer.

John looked at the little baby in her arms and he seemed to look back. "Hello little guy. What's your name?" He smiled and the baby smiled back and giggled. "I bet it's Philip. Alexander said he always wanted to name his first born son Philip. Is that your name?" There was another giggle in response. John smiled wider.

"What are you laughing at Philip?" Eliza asked with a small giggle, "You're just a happy little bundle of joy aren't you?" She said with a soft smile. She kissed Philip's forehead. "Let's go see if we can get Papa to take a break and spend some time with us." Then she walked off.

John stood there. " come Philip could see and hear me but Eliza can't..?" He pondered. He looked around a bit more and realized that he couldn't feel or hear his feet tap on the wood floor below him.

John looked down to see his clothes all a soft blue with a red spot on his chest, his clothes torn, almost as if a bullet had entered there. His legs faded away around his calf area. "Wait- am I? No! I- I can't be!" He said in a panic. He put his hand over his mouth. "I can't be..." he said.

John pulled his hand away to see a bit of blood on it. His eyes widened and in panic, He screamed.

Once John had gotten a grasp what was going on, he sat down. "I'm dead...that's the only explanation. But if I'm dead...why am I here? Why am I not in heaven?" He placed his head down in his hands.

January 22, 1786
Philip's fourth birthday

There was a lot of people at the Hamilton child's fourth birthday. Washington even came. Eliza loved watching Philip play there was just one thing that she didn't understand.

Philip had an imaginary friend who was named John. This baffled both Eliza and Alexander. Mostly Alexander though because, he had seen Philip play with this 'John'. Most of the things they played seemed very similar to some things that had happened during the war when Alexander was stationed with John Laurens.

Philip ran up to Alexander and tugged on his jacket. "Papa! Look at John! He says hi." Philip pointed over to a corner of the room, where John was indeed standing. John waved.

Alexander chuckled. He looked down at Philip and smiled. "You have such an active imagination young man." He said as he ruffled his hair.

"Papa. He's real." Philip said as he stamped his little foot. "He says he knows you."

"Oh? Does he now?" Alexander asked.

"Yes! He says you were friends in the war." Philip stated.

For a split second Alexander thought that Philip could've been Talking about John Laurens. No. He hadn't even mentioned John to Philip. There was no way Philip could be talking about him. "Well, Philip. I don't think I new a John when I was in the war." Alexander lied.

"He says you did!" Philip said with a bit of an attitude.

"Alexander!" Eliza called.

"Oh well I gotta go Philip." Alexander said ad he scurried off to find Eliza.

Philip stomped his foot and walked over to John. "Pa says he doesn't knows you."

John looked down at Philip, biting his lip trying to pretend that he wasn't hurt by what Alexander had just said. He bent down to Philip's level. "Trust me. He did. We were really good friends."

"Then why don't he remember you?" Philip asked.

"Well, last I saw him was more then four years ago. Before you were born." John responded.

"Oh...Was it before you got that?" Philip asked, pointing to the red spot where the bullet had hit John.

"Yes it was before I got this," John put his hand on the wound, "Remember, it was because of this that I never got to see your Papa again." John replied. Philip nodded. "Do you remember how I got this?"

"It was when you got shot," Philip answered.

"Correct. Do you remember the story?" John asked.

"Yes. And when Papa found out it hurt him here," Philip pointed to his heart.

"Yep. Right in the heart. You know why right? It's because your father loved me and I loved him. I miss your Father dearly, Philip." John wiped his eyes to try and prevent tears.

Philip saw this and tried to hug him. "It's okay, John. I know Papa loves you."

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