Welcome to Hogwarts (Lams) (Harry pottwr AU pt1)

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John was still very new to the concept of magic, he had only found out a few weeks before that he would be going to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was at the train station and couldn't find this so called 'platform nine and three quarters.' He asked around and nobody knew. The freckled little boy was starting to give up until he heard the fimilar voices of Hercules and Lafayette.

"Hey John! I didn't know you were a wizard too." Hercules said.

"W-well I don't think it's true b-but yeah. Do you guys have any idea where this platform is?" John asked.

Lafayette snorted. "Oui, it's right behind you mon amie."

John looked behind him. "That's only a wall..."

Hercules chuckled. "Move out of the way and watch and learn."

John moved his stuff out of the way. "O-okay...?"

Hercules ran towards the wall and vanished into it.

Johns jaw dropped. "H-how did he do that?"

"It's called magic. Now you try." Lafayette chuckled.

"Uhm, okay..." John ran with his cart towards the wall and came out on the other side. "Whoa..." he looked at the train in awe. "This is awesome!"

Lafayette came out soon after, smiling widely. He nodded to himself. "This is much cooler in person."

"Course it is! It's Hogwarts." Hercules chuckled. "Or at least the Hogwarts Express."

"Wait you mean Hogwarts is cooler than this?" John asked.

"Oui." Lafayette snorted. "Just you wait. You'll see."

About ten minutes later they found themselves on the train, already in their robes.

Alexander was still searching for a seat, everywhere seemed to be full.

John peaked out into the Isle and saw Alexander. "Hey! Kid you can come sit with us!" John yelled to him.

Alexander looked at him and smiled and ran down to them.

"What's your name, man?" Hercules asked.

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Nice. I'm John Laurens, that's Hercules Mulligan and that's Marquis De Lafayette." John smiled.

"Nice to meet you mon amie." Lafayette said.

Alexander nodded and sat down next to John. He looked at John and smiled. He thought he was a pretty cute with all his freckles.

John looked at Alexander. "Isn't all this so cool? Like I didn't even know that magic was real."

"Yeah it is cool. It's all new to me as well, but I've been studying so I know how this stuff works...ish."

"Well me and Laf grew up with magic. My mom is a witch my dad a muggle." Hercules said.

"Oui and I am a pure blood." Lafayette said.

"One question, what's a muggle...?" John asked. He was very new to the wizarding world.

"Non-magic people. Like your parents. I'm guessing." Alexander said. "And like mine."

"Ah." John nodded. He tightened his ponytail.

Alexander smiled slightly, he found it cute John had curly hair. Well heck he just found him cute. He sighed.

John smiled. "So, how long long have you know you've had magic?" He asked Alexander.

"Oh for a while now really like two months ago." Alexander chuckled. "I've been trying to gather all the information I could. So I don't seem like a total idiot."

"Ah." John nodded. "I haven't know to long...this is all so new to me, and I've know Hercules and Lafayette for ever and they never told me about magic. So all this stuff amazes me, like how I ran threw that wall. How does that stuff happen?!"

"Belive it or not, magic." Hercules chuckled.

Later they arrived at Hogwarts. John looked out the window. "Holy cow! Is that Hogwarts?!"

"Oui." Lafayette nodded.

They all walked off the train and headed to the school.

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