Is it truly a weakness(SW AU pt 5)

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A dark cloaked figure appeared in front of them. Theodoisa struggled to get out of the ropes that held her back to back with an unconscious Philip.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you." It said.

She glared at the figure as it circled around them.

"Hasn't your master taught you anything about hate, my child?"

"I am not! Your child! Nor will I ever be!"

"Oh and know, you would make a fine acolyte..."

"Oh shut it! I will never become one of you!"

"Shh shh...child, they will hear you and you don't want that."

"W-who are you..?! Want do you want from me and Philly?!"

"Oh, I don't want anything to do with you sweetie. It's your master I want. My old master."

"Wait...are you? Are you Hamilton?"

"Oh so you finally figure it out? It is me Alexander Hamilton. And to he honest." He chuckled. "I really don't want you alive, or your father. We used to be good friends you know? Until he went and stayed with the Republic." He took his hood off to reveal his face, his brown eyes turning yellow and his facial hair. His long brown hair pulled back into a bun, greasy looking.

Theo looked at him. "You know, you never deserve having a master like John."

"I thought of him more than just a master, but he, at the time, didn't feel the same way. I could never hurt a guy like him but I can hurt what he holds close. You."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, but I would..." he pulled out his lightsaber. "You see, I loved him..." he turned it on. "He didn't love me!" He slashed it at the wall.

"It's not the jedi way...I had to learn that the hard way. I fell for this cute boy in the village but I was told if I continued to have feelings for this boy...I couldn't become a jedi. Now don't get me wrong I still love him but I'm not allowed to show it for it is a weakness."

"A weakness? My dear child it is a strength!"

"You don't know what you're talking about...I couldn't focus...I couldn't do a thing right. I messed up. It's a burden, a curse, a weakness."

The cave shook, pieces of the ceiling falling down into the floor, all the flesh raiders looked around half scared for their lives the other ready to fight. Philip woke up immediately. There was a burst of light and John ran in, retaliating all the flesh raider's attempts to attack him. He knocked them out with one hit. Once he made his way to the kids and Alexander he stood there, ready to fight. "We meet again, Alexander."

"John. I see you look just as young as you did some odd years ago." Alexander said.

"Thank you, and you. I have nothing to say."

Alexander clenched his jaw.

Philip looked around. "Theo where are we..?" She wasn't listening to him, she was watching the two men just stare at each other.

"Unhand these children..."


"Alexander, I don't want to do this but it seems I have to." John moved his blue lightsaber into attack position, Alexander did the same thing with his red one.

John kept forward taking hits at Alexander, some he blocked some he didn't. The fought for five minutes until the engaged in a saber lock. Rage filled Alexander's eyes as he looked into Johns soft ones. And in that moment...every thing changed.

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