The third floor corridor(HW AU) (Lams)

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John stopped in his tracks. "Alexander...we were told not to go near this part of the Castle..."

"Oh, come on John. It'll be fun!" Alexander chuckled and grabbed the fifteen year old's hand.

"This is the stupidest thing you've ever done." He looked at Alexander as he opened the door to the third-floor corridor.

"I Don't care, it seems interesting." Alexander smiled. He walked in holding the door for John.

John hesitantly walked in behind him. He looked around at the seemingly abandoned corridor. Cobwebs strung every which way, water dripped l from the ceiling with a loud pat pat pat. "Alexander...I don't like this."

"John," Alex looked up at him. "You are a year older than me so suck it up and be a man."

He sighed. "Fiinnee. But if one of us gets killed. It's all gonna be blamed on you."

"Understandable." He nodded. "Now come on let's explore!" He pulled on Johns arm, dragging him behind.

About thirty minutes later the came running out and down the grand stair case. "I told you. Bad idea!" John yelled.

"Yeah! I realize that now!"

John looked back and kept running. Whatever was chasing them stopped now, but he was just making sure. Alexander was having trouble to keep up with John.

"Slow down!" Alexander yelled.


"Please! My legs hurt."

John didn't listen. He just kept running all the way to his house corridor. Alexander has stopped running some while back now.

"How does John have so much energy? I mean, he is older than me and all but still..."

John was already in the Hufflepuff common room now. He felt like he should go out and meet up with Alexander again. Aaron burr walked up to Alexander. "Why was John running...?" He asked.

"Oh, uh...I honestly don't know." Alex replied.

Aaron looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure because I thought that you two were-"

"Nope! No I am entirely sure I don't know why he was running!"

"Okay...but I got my eyes on you." Aaron said and started walking again.

Alexander sighed. He walked to the Hufflepuff dormitories and waited out side of the door for John. He new that he would come out... eventually.

John decided to come out after five minutes. He walked out of the common room and looked at Alexander.

"The bear finally comes out of his Den." Alexander chuckled.

"Well I'm sorry. What if that thing was still chasing us? I didn't want to become lunch meat."

"But I bet the dog was harmless, John. It...was a Dog...right?"

"I think so..." John nodded. "But it was huge."

"Yeah, it was. And the three heads. I guess I have to admit it was pretty scary."

"Wha' are yeh talkin 'bout? Are yeh talking 'bout fluffy?" Hagrid said coming up behind the two boys.

"Who's fluffy..?" John asked.

"Oh, jus' the big three headed dog down in the- I shouldn' o' said that..."

"No, we know about it now. There is no point in not telling us more." Alexander said.

"What were yeh two boys doin' down there anyways?"

Alexander chuckled nervously. "Long story short. I wanted an adventure."

"Yeah and I said it was a bad idea." John added.

"Well yeh, shouldn' of bin down there anyways. It's dangerous yeh know."

"Yeah, we realized that." Alexander said.

"If I hear yeh two hav' bin down there again. I'll take care o' yeh meself." Hagrid said and Walked off.

Authors note: sorry that took so long you guys. If been in school and I've been having major writers block. I hope ya'll understand and thanks for 1.54K reads! It makes me happy to see that and I will certainly try and keep updating this book for as long as I can. Luv ya'll byeee. ~Abby

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