Gentle giant (mullette)[minor warning: violence]

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When Hercules and Lafayette were in high school, Lafayette was always made fun of for being gay. Hercules didn't really realize this and Lafayette never told him. But the day he finally found out was one to never be forgotten...

Lafayette was strutting down the halls one day being his normal happy energetic self when a group of mostly boys approached him.

"Hey fag!" One of the boys yelled at him. "I don't see your boyfriend around so...why don't we have a little fun?" The boy said with a smirk and a cackle. Laf began to back away, fear starting to cross his face. "You've seen what we did to your other buddy right? We made him scream and bleed." There was yet another small cackle crossed the boys lips. His hands began to ball up into fists. The fear on Lafayette's face soon became pure terror. Laf remembered what they had done to John. Lets just say, it wasn't pretty.

Lafayette held his arms,crossed, in front of his face. "P-please..! Don't hurt me!" He cried.

"Oh trust me, we'll do more than hurt you." Another boy said with chuckle and a crack of his knuckles. They crowded around the small Frenchman. Lafayette didn't move a bit until the boys started to punch him, kick at him and many other things. Lafayette yelled out in pain and started to cry. He fell down to his knees, his back against the locker. He called out for help and this time. Hercules heard him.

The bigger man dropped his things  in the middle of the hallway and started dashing towards the sound. "Marquis?!" He called out. When there was no answer but a few more screams, he started to run faster. He turned a corner and sure enough there was a group of boys all in circle circle. "Hey! Hey!" He yelled at them, his face fuming.

The boys all stopped and turned around only to see the huge Varsity team's quarterback standing before them. "Get the fuck away from him! Now!" Hercules yelled. All the boys his eyes widened and they scurried off. "Yeah! That'd right! Go run away like the babies you are!" He screamed at them.

Hercules looked at the ball that was Lafayette that laid on the floor just ahead of him and his face softened. He rushed to his side."Laf," Hercules said with a worrying tone Hercules picked up the sobbing Frenchman's head and cradled him. Lafayette clutched onto his shirt and began to full on cry. "Hey hey, shhhh. You're safe. I'll...I'll protect you." Hercules said as he brought Lafayette's head to his chest.

He kissed the top of his head. Lafayette winced and wimpered. "H-hercules..." Lafayette managed to utter between sobs. Hercules looked down at him holding back tears. He hated seeing Lafayette like this. Lafayette didn't say a word. They sat there in the silence filled with nothing but sobs for a long while. Hercules was determined to get back at the boys who hurt his Laffy taffy.

Holy crap that took a while. Sorry for not posting at all. But I've been going through a few things and I just did not have the determination to write. But I'm back again so yeah. Also HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THE JANTHONY PHOTOS I SWEAR IT'S TOO MUCH. I'll put a photo up with this in the part that has like the place where I can put photos. So if you want to see one of the photos I would go look there. ~Abby

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