Theodoisa's mother(SW AU PT 3)

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"Just think of a happy moment...any happy moment." Jedi master John said, trying to get Theodoisa to meditate.

"Master, what if...what if I don't have a happy moment?"

"Think of one, think of a happy thought and calm your self."

Theodoisa thought for a moment then imagined having her mother back. Her mother died when she was eleven, she was now fourteen. She remembered her birthday right before her mother got sick. At the time she wasn't on Tython. She was still out in the outer rim with her mother. Her father had been on many trips and barely spent time with her, despite his efforts.

She remembered her mother looking at her so cheerful and so bright with her teal skin and tattoos and, of course, the crown on her head. Her mother was beautiful. She had made Theo a cake that read "to my beautiful princess Theogdoisa, happy birthday!"

She remembered that was the first day she started to learn galactic basic. Before that she could only speak Twi'leki, her native language. The very first word she learned was peace, for she was told to always keep peace where ever she went.

Meanwhile John looked so amazed, Theo was meditating and was lifting stuff up, what ever it was she was thinking about must be really peaceful.

John, his first time meditating he was only a mere two inches off the ground. Theodosia was at least a foot off the ground. "I wonder what she is thinking about..." he said to himself.

"Mother will i become queen like you?" Theodoisa had asked.

"Honey I...I don't know." Her mother sighed, then she coughed.

"Are you alright...?"

Her mother started coughing harder and more often. Theodosia looked very concerned and her mother fell to the floor, still coughing. Theo screamed for someone to help but nobody was there. Her mother Died right then and there.

"Theo!" John yelled and objects when flying around. Theo's face turned to show fear appearing on it. John grabbed onto her and shook her making her fall to the ground. It was a dangerous thing to interrupt meditation but that had to be stopped.

Theodoisa opened her eyes and looked up at John. "W-what happened...?"

"Your memory, did it turn away from happiness?"

She nodded reluctantly.

He sighed. "Okay I think....i think that's enough work today young padawan." He looked around at the room.

"Master, i-it's been four years now...don't you think I'm ready for a ligh-" she was cut off.

"No. Theo, not yet. You are strong but you need to learn to contain that power."

She looked away. "O-okay."

"Now why don't you go play with that young boy in the village." He smiled.

"Alright." She stood up and ran off towards the village.

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