What Happened?(jeffmads)

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Thomas and James were at a party. James didn't drink any, however, Thomas had drank way to much. James didn't want to have to deal with a drunk Jefferson. If Thomas was to pick up one more drink he was going to slap it out of his hands.

Thomas turned to James. He put his hand on his shoulder and said. "Hey, do-don't tell James this but *hic* I have the biggest cruush on him."

James' eyes widened. "Thomas..."


"I-I am James."

"Whaaat? No."

"Yes I am."

"Phhhtt. No. James *hic* wouldn't come to a party."

"I came here because I knew you would need someone to take you home."

"...you can't be James.."

"But I am."

Thomas lifted his hand and patted his face. "*hic* you aree James..."

"Mmhmm. Now let's get you home. You've had enough for one night."

The next morning Thomas woke up with James next to him. He didn't remember anything that had happened that night. He of course had a headache from his hangover. "What the...?" He said as he looked at the sleeping man beside him. "What the hell happened last night? And why is he in..my bed...?"

James moved a bit and grabbed his arm. Thomas was even more confused by this. He pulled his arm away and sat up. He rubbed his temples trying to figure out what happened. He didn't think he would be dumb enough to tell him that he had a crush on him. Then again this was Thomas he was talking about, and he had done some dumb stuff when he was drunk.

Some time later, James woke up. He looked at Thomas and smiled. "Did you sleep well?" He coughed.

Thomas looked at him, still utterly confused. "Why are you...in my bed, James?"

"Do you not remember?"

"Yes. I remember everything. Of course I don't!"

James decided to tell him everything that happened that night and, let's just say. Thomas was embarrassed. "Well...at least you weren't in my bed for the reason I thought..."

James nodded. "Although you did try to get into my pants..."

Thomas blushed. "I-I was drunk...what do you expect?"

"I've never seen you over your limit. I didn't know what to expect." He said and coughed again. "And just so you know. I...I like you too."

He smiled. "R-really?"

"Why else would I be in your bed, Thomas?"

"True. So does this mean that we...we're a couple then?"

"I...I think."

He smiled. "Okay."
Okay honestly. I feel like this was kinda sucky. But like I got this idea then it left my mind so it was kinda hard to finish. ~Abby.

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