Recent events (Philodosia)

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Philip was sitting in his room playing star wars the force unleashed when he got a text. He paused his game and picked up his phone.

[Theo 😍💗]
Philly...I need to speak with you.

[Theo 😍💗]
About what...?

[Theo 😍💗]
Just me at the park in around an hour.

Philip put down his phone. 'Oh no,' He thought. 'I have a feeling this isn't anything good...' He sighed. "I hope she's okay..." He looked over at the door only to see Alexander looking at him a bit puzzled.

"What're you talkin' about?" Alexander asked.

"Oh uh...Theo. She just texted me saying we need to talk. I'm meeting her at the park in an hour." Philip told him

"Oh. Okay well, let me know if anything bad happened." Alexander said.

"I will." Philip nodded. He let out a sigh and ran his hand threw his curly locks.

An hour later Philip was at the park, sitting on a bench he and Theo always sat on. He looked around for her and saw her walking to him. He smiled and stood up opening his arms for her. To his surprise Theo denied his embrace. "Babe..? You okay...?" He said as a look of concern crossed his face.

"Philip, we need to talk," Theo sighed and sat down on the bench.

Philip sat beside her and placed his hand on her thigh trying to comfort her because he could tell she was nervous.

"Philip..." she looked at him, choking on her words. She didn't want to say it. Not at all, but she knew she had to. "My dad...he...he doesn't want me to... see you...a-anymore."

"W-what? W-w-why?" Philip said in disbelief. "I-i thought...I thought he liked me..."

"He...he did up until," Theo looked down and crossed her arms over her stomach. "R-recent events..."

"Theo, what's going..?" Philip glanced at her arms that were crossed over her stomach.

"I...I was....I-i am...late." Theo said, biting her lip.

Philip's eyes widened. "W-what? Y-you don't mean..."

"I do mean..." Theo looked up at him, tears starting to fill her eyes.

"H-how? W-we took all the precautions..."

"I-i don't know...i-it must've broke or...or something..."

"A-and you told your father...?"

Theo nodded. "H-he got r-really mad at me, Philip." She looked at him, a bit of fear could be seen in her eyes.
Philip hugged her.

"'s gonna be okay, Theo." He kissed the top of her head. "We'll get through this, together." Theo nodded and they just sat there, both fearing what would happen.

Sorry I haven't been posting much. It's just been a...rough week to say the least. I have a few stories started but I don't know exactly how I would like them to go so they won't be posted very soon. ~Abby

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