So...Explain this. (Mullette)

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[MATURE CONTENT!!! Reader discretion is advised]

Veronica had wondered what was in the basement to her house most of her life, and she was always told that she wouldn't ever go down there. Well, her being 15 and all, she of course had to go see what it was when her parents were out. Let's just say, it wasn't anything like what she thought it would be.

When Her parents got home she was sitting on the couch with a few of their things beside her and the basement door was open. She looked at them. "So..."

Hercules looked at the basement door then at her.

"I have a question for you. Why do two gay men own like seven of these? And don't use and excuse. I know what this is." She said holding up an object.

Hercules looked at Lafayette.

Lafayette blushed. "Veronica...where did you get that...?"

"Pa. I want an answer."


"Mmhmm, and what about your ten butt plugs and your many pairs of hand cuffs...and I'm not even gonna mention the other stuff."


"I mean I knew you were Horndogs but You two are like fucking porn stars. I don't even know how you can do all that on a pole Pa." There was a long pause and then Veronica broke the silence. "You better not be on porn hub."

"Did you..." Hercules said.

"Oh Dad, believe me, I watched that tape, I wished I didn't...but I did." There was another awkward silence. "Did you two really think I'd never find this out?"

"W-well yeah..."

"Honestly I just kinda guessed that you two had those things because you bang each other like every night."

Lafayette and Hercules both exchanged a look. "...Are we that loud?" Laf asked.

"No shit. You two are very fucking loud." She snorted. "I've heard things come from that bedroom and the basement that I wouldn't ever image would come out of your guys' mouths."

Herc and Laf both blushed.

"Oh and remember that night where you two were drunk as hell and you had left me home alone at the age of three? Well when you guys returned with my uncles you guys-"

"Okay Veronica! Thats enough." Hercules said, blushing even more. "We get it."

Veronica chuckled. "Well it's true."

"....we know it's true..."

She snorted. "Fine I'll leave you alone." She threw everything at them. "Now. Let me get a good night's sleep for once." She snorted and ran up to her room.

Hi! It's been a stressful week for me so I wanted to write something that would make me laugh so I did. I'm sorry that I made this. I was actually very hesitant on publishing this because I've never actually written anything that had this content...well besides the mac and cheese fic. So uh, you can't blame me for not warning you because I clearly did so yeah. Also Remember now has its own book so go add that to your library if you want to read More of it. Also if you want to you can follow me on instagram so yeah! Bye! ~Abby

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