The village (SW AU pt4)

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Theo walked Along the dirt path, she had been attacked a few times by the Flesh raiders along the way but she put her training lightsaber to good use. She wanted a real lightsaber so bad, she had the skill to be able to use one without hurting herself. Of course John didn't think so. She didn't understand why he wouldn't let her. It's not like she would turn like his last padawan.

She looked down at the path and kicked a rock into a bush. "Why can't I just have a real lightsaber like the others? I mean, I'm older than some of the padawans and guess what? They have lightsabers!"

All the sudden there was rustling in a near by Bush. Theodosia started to reach for her training lightsaber. A young Twi'lek boy jumped out at her. She didn't realize it was him and turned on her training lightsaber and tried swinging at him, luckily he dodged it.

"Theo! It's just me! Philip!" He covered his head and ducked down. "I'm sorry I'msorryI'msorry!"

"Oh! Sorry Philip. You know you shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" She turned it off and put it back on her back."What are you doing this far away from the village?"

"Ma sent me to go find you."


"Well, you see...she says that you are like a daughter to her and wanted to make sure you were okay."

She nodded. "I'm fourteen, I'll be fine. Plus I have a training lightsaber, I can defend myself against the natives."

"Yeah, and I think I could too."

"Philly, you and I both know that you can't defend yourself as well as I can."

He started walking and Theo walked with him. "Yeah, yeah I know..."

"So how is Eliza?"

"She is fine, she is still having trouble running the village ever since Aunt Angelica left. So how is training going?"

"Good...I guess, I still have this stupid thing." She pointed to her training lightsaber. "I've been training for four years. I have never been given a task. Day in and day out its training."

"Ah." He nodded. "Last night our village was attacked again."

" everyone alright?"

"A few dead, many wounded but we are fine...I guess."

"Philip...stay behind me." She said and grabbed her training lightsaber.

"W-what...? Why?"

"Shh. Just do it." She looked around, eyes peering through the bushes. She turned it on and held it out in front of her. "Follow me..." she said softly and slowly started walking away.

Suddenly a Flesh Raider jumped out, they were followed by nine more.
"Run! Philip! Run!" Theo yelled and started attacking them. Philip did as Theo instructed and bolted down the path. He tripped over a rock and looked back. Two of the big Flesh raiders were running after him.

Theodosia struggled out of the alpha's grasp. "Philip! Run!" She yelled louder and she was carried off. There was nothing she could do to save herself. All that they left behind was her Training lightsaber.

Philip got back up and started running again, but he was too slow. The Flesh raiders scooped him up and ran off with him. Philip screamed. "HELP! HELP! PLEASE!"

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