My name is Alexander Hamilton (Lams)

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Alexander looked down at his arm. The name Laurens written on it. For as long as he could remember the name was there. In his community, when people were born, they would write a name on your arm. Supposedly that was the last name of your soul mate. They would even do that to the babies who were to be released, and they always made sure they were in your age group. Alexander always wondered if this person was released because he had never met anyone by the last name of Laurens. He sighed and let his arm drop to his side. "I don't think I'll ever meet them." He started walking to the park area.

Hamilton John was thinking about who it could be. He looked around. "They could be anybody...heck I don't even know if they are in my community." He said to himself. He sat down on a bench in the park. He kept looking around until, all the sudden he saw him. Something in Johns mind clicked. He stood up as Alexander walked past.

Alexander didn't even take a second glance at him. I mean yeah sure he thought John was cute but he didn't really look at him. "Hamilton...?" Alexander Heard someone say his last name and he stopped in his tracks. The voice said it again. Alexander turned around to see John. Holy shit.... Alexander thought. This man...this freckled man with curly hair. Could this be Laurens...? Alexander just stared at John. He heard his last name again. "A-are you...are you Laurens?" Alexander managed to say.

"Are you Hamilton?"

Alexander nodded and walked towards him. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

"I-I'm John. John Laurens."

Alexander nodded. He held up his arm to show him the name. "I guess your my soul mate. I'm glad you turned out to be a cutie." He smiled.

John blushed and smiled. "I'm glad you turned out to be so handsome."

Alexander blushed and chuckled. "So, what is your job?"

"Oh I work at the nursery. What about you?"

"I work as a treasury secretary on the hill."

John nodded. "Cool. Uhm..." he blushed slightly. "So uh, would you maybe want to uh..go out some time?"

Alexander smiled. "I would love to."

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