How to Say a Thousand Words (Marliza)

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Eliza laid on bed. Of course this seems like a normal thing but. It was mid-day, on a Wednesday. Normally she'd be at school but her older sister Angelica told her to take this day off. Mostly because of what had happened the day before.

You see, things at her school spread like wildfire. Whether or not it was true, Didn't matter. In Eliza's case, she was unsure. Not about the fact that the rumor was true. Not at all. She was unsure that the person who she had hoped hadn't heard, might have heard it. That was probably why this person wasn't talking to her.

On the other hand, she hadn't picked up her phone in what felt like ages. You could just say, she was scared about what might be on there. What she might see. It had just felt like her world turned upside down in one measly text. To put it simply, she felt helpless.

Eliza turned to her left and looked at her bedside table. There was nothing there but her phone. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "If I can't love her... hopeless. As my dream dies...I...I can't help but watch the time fly past. That's what Angelica said to do. She said that this would all be over in a few days. It doesn't feel that way."

er phone buzzed.


Liza, are you okay? I heard what happened...I'm so sorry.

Eliza looked over at her phone.

There's nothing
you could do about it.

Yeah well, I see that. Just you know I'm here. I care about you, a lot actually. So does John.

Heh. Yeah, John.

With that she put her phone back. It was funny to her that her Ex boyfriend...kinda sorta left her. For John. "I mean... I don't mind it...I guess. It's been five months now. I've moved on. I have a big bright beautiful...well. Had a big bright beautiful world. And a beautiful, person, in it." She sighed. "I guess that just wasn't for me."

Eliza's phone buzzed once more. This time, it was her sister.


Hey! So I was talking to Maria and do you want to know what she said?

You TALKED to her?!

Well yeah. I wanted to make sure that she...y'know. Didn't hear anything or. If she did that, nothing changed between you two.

Peggy. You don't have to get in my business.

Well, it's kinda something the whole school knows about...well, at least you still have a chance with her. She wasn't told anything. At least not yet. Eliza, you need to tell her. Before someone else does.

But how? If I could could tell her. Tell her everything I see. If could tell her how she's everything to me...
I don't even know where to start.

Just say that. That's all you have to say.

"When words fail...what will I do?"

The next day Eliza went back to school. When she walked into her first class, there stood Maria. Talking to her friend group. Eliza looked at them and sat down. 'C'mon Eliza...just...just say it.' She thought.

Maria saw her walk in and smiled to herself. "Hey, I'll be right back." She told her group. And walked over to Eliza. "Hey. Peggy told me."

Eliza looked at her. "T-told you what?"

"Why you've been gone and honestly, I was thinking of asking you out but I guess Peggy did it for you before I could-"

"W-what?! She did...what?"

"She told me...All the things she heard from you."


"Honestly I've said a lot of the same things about you."



"What does this mean..? I mean, you and me?"

"Well if you want, you could be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Erm...I mean, yes I will."

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