Remember pt. 2 (lams.)

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"Papa!" Philip ran up to Alexander, a plush bear in hand. "M-my teddy bear."

Alexander looked over at him. "Oh. Here let dad patch that up. I'm cooking dinner."

Philip looked over at John who was sitting on the couch. "Dad!" He ran over to him. John looked at him.

"Oh no. What did you do?" He said sitting forward.

Philip pointed to a small tear with some fluff falling out on the bear's stomach. "Broke." He said.

"Here let me fix that for you." John smiled. He got up and went to go get his sewing kit. He stitched up the spot on the bear and smiled. "There you go little man." He handed him the bear back.

"Dinner is ready! Come and get it." Alexander said and smiled. John looked up at him and smiled softly.

Then he woke up. He was very confused, It couldn't was just a dream. Right? He sat up and wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead. "It was only a dream and nothing more." He told himself. He looked at the clock on the wall. 11:30. "It's only been two hours. It only felt like two minutes..." he sighed and laid back down.

He couldn't get the thought out of his head. He tried to not think about it and go to sleep but it didn't work as well as he wanted it to work. The thought kept slipping into his head.
A family.

When he finally got to sleep he had another dream. No...a memory...

"Alexander. Come on!" John chuckled. He placed a card down and read it aloud. "Historians believe that blank, was the cause of the United states down fall."

Hercules looked at his deck of cards and started laughing.

"Oh no." Lafayette snorted as he set down a card. Alexander came back and sat down next to John and kissed his cheek.

"Ooooh. I got a good one." Alexander chuckled and sat a card down. Once Hercules was done laughing he put his down.

John picked up the cards. "Historians believe that dart Vader was the cause of the United States down fall. the dead children at the barricade." He chuckled. "Or a the ball slapping sex your parents are having right now." He started laughing.

Hercule, Lafayette, and Alexander all started laughing. John picked the last one.

Then John woke up laughing and ended up falling out of his bed.

A nurse came in to help him and to check to see if he was okay. She helped him up. "Are you okay? Did you hit your head Mr. Hamilton?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He chuckled. "I just had a funny dream." He sat down on the bed.

"What was it about? If you don't mind sharing it, that Is."

"It was me and three other guys and we were playing this card game? I don't know what it was call but it was really inappropriate."

"Is that all?"

"Well, Alexander...the guy who claims to be my husband was there. If that counts for anything."

"do you think it could've been a memory?"

"Well, I mean, I don't...I don't think so."

"Did you have any other dreams?"

"Well yeah but," he chuckled nervously. "It was only a dream."

The nurse nodded. "Well be careful. Also, the mulligan family is going to visit you later today, if that's fine with you?"

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