**hello! Thanks for taking the time to read these, I have never written a one shot of any kind so sorry if it's sucky.**
Alexander was reading a book, all by himself. He was kind of an outcast from all the other kids so no one really hung out with him. He was okay with it though because it had been that way for some time so he didn't really care. But, he was happy anyway. Having his face in a book always made him happy.
John was hanging out with Hercules. John was looking for someone to play with them. He spotted Alexander sitting all alone making small childish notes in his little note book. He looked at Hercules. Hercules nodded and John ran over to Alexander.
Alexander looked up at this slightly taller, freckled face and frizzy haired child that stood in front of him. "Hi!" John said with a smile. Alexander was surprised that someone came to talk to him. "H-hi." Alexander said shyly. John smiled. "I'm John Laurens!" "Alexander Hamilton." Alexander smiled. "What are you reading?" John asked. "U-um, Beezus and Ramona." Alexander replied. "Cool!" John said. "Do you want to come play with me and my friend?" He asked. Alexander smiled and nodded.
John smiled and closed the notebook. "Those were the days." He chuckled. He walked up the stairs notebook in hand. "Hey Alex, guess what I found." Alexander looked up from his book to look at him. "What?" "I found your old notebook from kindergarten." John smiled and sat down beside Alexander. "It even says what you thought of me back then. According to you I was a nice looking frizz haired child." John chuckled.
Alexander blushed. "Why were you looking through them?" He asked. "I don't know. I found them interesting. "John smiled and opened it back up. "Your handwriting was awful." He chuckled. "It's a wonder how I can read it."
"Well, you were a cute frizz haired kid." Alexander chuckled.
"Yeah I know." John smiled.
"And you still are." Alexander snorted.
John smiled and Alexander kissed his cheek.
Hamilton One Shots
FanfikceMostly lams... and mullette and Jeffmads with some philiodosia mixed in for good measure.