Dear Theodoisa. (Philodoisa[also only straight ship])

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Philip and Theodosia had been dating for five years now, since Philip was fourteen. Theo was a year older than him. Some people thought it was weird that Theo was dating someone in a grade that was a year lower than her own. She didn't care, it was only a year and a few months difference. Plus he made her happy and to her, that was special. Before Philip, she was miserable. Her mother had died and everyone would make fun of her for it. Then one day Philip stood up to them. He hated seeing people bully others no matter what. Of course that didn't work very well and he ended up taking a beating from a few of the boys.

There was a moment before Philip came to her "rescue". This moment when she caught his eyes and the world slowed down. Philip had these beautiful hazel-green eyes that were looking straight at her. They were calming but full of concern. It was in that brief moment she believed in love at first sight...then she snapped back to reality only to see him being beaten up. "Run!" She heard Philip yell. So she did. She didn't even know his name at the time but now look at them.

They were standing in a garden. Theodosia by Philip's side. She took his hand and smiled. Philip sighed and set the picnic basket down. "How long has it been since we have visited here?" He asked.

"I don't know for sure. But a long time." Theo said as she looked around. "It's all so beautiful."

Philip looked at her as her long black hair was lightly being pushed behind her shoulders by the gentle breeze of the June morning. Truly, Theo was the most beautiful thing there in his eyes. "Not as beautiful as you."

She blushed softy and rolled her eyes.

"What? It's true."

"Sure." She chuckled as she sat down on the grass. Philip sat down next to her. She looked at him and smiled. He sighed.

"You really are beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as the roses or the lilys..."

"More beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as the little freckles on your face." She chuckled as she lightly squished Philip's face.

Philip chuckled. He brought her hands down from his face and held them in his hands. "I beg to differ." He smiled softly and kissed her. She kissed back and pulled away smiling softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Theo." Philip let go of her hand and laid down and looked up at the Blue sky. There were a scatter of white clouds that were moving slowly past.  Theodosia laid down beside him, also looking up at the clouds.

"I love the sky, its so full of character yet so plain." She smiled.

"Yeah." Phillip nodded. "It is. its also amazing that our brains try to makes sense of what we are seeing so we try and compare them to things on earth. For instance, the one of there looks  like a dragon trying to eat a gnome." he chuckled. 

"Yeah it does." Theo smiled. "That one over there looks like a tree with bunny, shaped leaves." He nodded.

They continued to cloud gaze for the next thirty minutes until,  one of those planes that write things in the clouds came by. you see, Philip had a plan to propose to Theodosia. The plane wrote: Dear Theodosia, will you marry me?

Philip smiled and took the box out of the basket "Dear Theodosia what to say to you? can't take my eyes off your beautiful face. When you came into my world, You cried. And it broke my heart. And I thought I was so smart. Will you come with me and start our life together. You and me, have a world to see and we'll blow them all away some day, some day...yeah well blow them all away." He sang as he got onto his knee and opened the box. Theodosia sat up.

"P-philip...of c-course!" She smiled and hugged him. He hugged her hack and smiled widely.

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