Don't Mess With Him (lams)

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Freshman year of highschool, John and Alexander were a couple and often got picked on for it. John had mostly gotten the hate because he was the actual gay one. He never told Alexander that he was bullied quite often. He was afraid that Alexander would do something that would make him the target instead of himself. He didn't want that at all.

 Alexander was aware that John had gotten bullied a little bit more then he had and he hated that. He wanted to make himself the target just to save John.

 One day John decided to stand up to the people that were bullying him. Unfortunately, that day they had some older boys with them and John got beat. Nobody did a thing and he ran to the bathroom and locked himself in the handicapped stall and started crying.

 Alexander was looking for John. He couldn't seem to find him and he was getting worried.

 John curled up into a ball and looked at himself. He had bruises what seemed to be everywhere. His ankle hurt and his nose was starting to bleed. He grabbed a bit of toilet paper and put it In his nose. Even the smallest noise scared him. Those boys had really done a toll on him.

Alexander walked into the bathroom to check if he was there.

 "A-alexander says th-that there is nothing w-wrong  with me..." john said to himself.

 He heard him and walked over to the stall.

John heard foot steps and immediately held his hands up defensively. "P-please...d-dont hurt me!" He huddled up against the wall.

 "Honey I won't hurt you."


"Mmhmm." Alexander smiled.

John wiped his eyes. "A-are they c-coming back?" The fear in his voice was very clear.

 "No. I swear they aren't. Open up for me, please."

John  stood up hesitantly and carefully limped over, with each step he whimpered in pain. He unlocked the stall and opened it.
Alexander looked at him. "J-John..." He instantly hugged him, being careful not to hurt him.

 A few tears fell off his cheek as he hugged him back.

 He kissed his cheek. "Tell me who did this... We are going to the office and reporting them."

"I...I don't know their names..."

"Do you know what they looked like?"

John nodded.

"That's all we need." He groaned. "Why did they have to do this to you?"

"I..I wish I knew."

 He kissed his cheek again and held onto him.

"This is what I get...for standing up for myself. Pain..."

 A large group came walking in, laughing at something. John tensed up. he held onto Alexander tighter. Alexander  lifted him up and held him in a bridal carry. John winced a bit "They won't hurt you on my watch..."
 Alex walked out and ignored them.

The boys all stared at Alexander and John, snickering.

 "You know you guys really need to shut your god damn mouths."

 "Would you look at that? The shortie carrying his boyfriend and being overprotective. Now there something you don't see everyday." One of the boys snorted.

"Just shut up."

 "What ya gonna do about it? Kick me in the shin?" He snorted again. John felt like saying something but was to afraid to, so instead he mumbled something.

 "Dude, shut your fuckin' mouth. He is human, look what you did to him. He is like you! You physically harmed someone for no good reason so back the fuck off!"

 The guy's eyes widened.

 "He doesn't deserve to be treated this way... And your doing this just because he was born different from you? Are you fucking nuts? No one is like you. Everybody is different. The world doesn't revolve around you narcissistic shits."

 "Excuse me? I think you're the nuts one. He wasn't "born different." He chose to be the way he is. He deserves what happened to him. God could never love someone like you."

 "A-alex...we should go..." John said softly.

 "Just shut up. You have no idea what you are saying. You all deserve a foot up your ass..." Alexander said. He pushed through them and walked out, walking to the office. John looked at Alexander.

"I don't like high-school..."

"Neither do I, but you won't have to worry about them. I'll make sure they get expelled." Alex said, kissing his nose and smiling softly.

John nodded. "Okay."

"I love you more than anything, John. Don't ever forget that."

John nodded. "I won't." He wrapped his arms around his neck. "Alexander, everything hurts so much."

"I know honey, I know. Just try not to think about it."

"I am trying. You ease my pain though."

Alexander smiled softly as he walked into the office.

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