Remember (Lams)

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John got in a car crash a few days ago...he was totally fine but he had forgotten about his family and his friends. All he knew was his name. The first time Alex saw John after the crash...John seemed scared. He wondered why this strange man, day after day, would walk into his room and leave him flowers. A young boy by his side. John. Of course never said anything about it because he didn't want to seem rude. on top of that these other strange men, holding hands, would leave him get well soon cards. He didn't know who these people were.

Alexander, Philip, Hercules, and Lafayette all knew that John was suffering from severe amnesia. They didn't know how bad it actually was until John said something when Alexander and Philip came in one day.

Alexander set some roses on the end of Johns bed. "Hey, these were your favourite flowers. Remember?"

"No...I don't. W-who are you?"

Alexander looked at John and then down at the floor. "You don' don't remember?"

"I'm Were we friends or..?"

"Dad..." Philip said as he looked at John. "Dad please tell me you remember me..."

John looked down at the white hospital sheets. "I'm sorry, kid."

Philip looked up at Alexander. "Papa. Daddy doesn't remember us..."

Alexander looked at Philip, then at John. "I'm Alexander Hamilton. Your husband...this is our son, Philip." He smiled softly, holding back tears.

"I...I'm sorry. I don't remember anything about do I even know if you are?"

"The ring on your hand..." Alexander held up his. "Both of ours have our names carved in it..."

John looked down at the silver ring on his hand. He looked back at Alexander and Philip. "C-can you tell me about my life? What happened before I crashed?"

"Y-yes. We can..." Alexander sat in the chair by the bed and Philip sat down on the edge of the bed. "We met in 6th grade and became really good friends. We both developed feelings for each other but never told anyone. Our friend Hercules just figured it out in his own. Then in eighth grade he couldn't take it anymore and shoved me into you and...well I...accidentally kissed you..." he wiped his eyes, still refraining from crying.

"So...I'm guessing that's when we started dating?"

Alexander nodded. "Y-yeah." He looked down at his lap. "I...I remember that you w-were bullied for being gay...I was too but nobody dared to say anything to me cause I have a big mouth." he chuckled softly. " our freshman year of high school this group of older boys b-beat you up. I hadn't seen you at all that day and I was looking for you...I f-found you crying i-in a bathroom were so unbelievably were all bruised up and shaking...then the...the same group of boys came in...I grabbed you and held you in a cradle in my arms...when you heard them enter you tensed up and I tried to ignore them...t-that didn't work and...I fought them with words and I walked you to the office..."

"Is that why I have so many scars on my arms?"

"N-no. You were depressed. Between your father and all the shit happening at school- you couldn't handle it. S-so you cut yourself...I helped you stop."


"papa, tell him about Uncle Hercules and Uncle Lafayette." Philip said eagerly.

"Okay." Alexander chuckled softly. "Our best friends, Hercules mulligan and Marquis Mulligan, he used to be Marquis DeLafayette until they got married. You've probably seen them come in before. One has a beanie and the other has his hair pulled back into a pony tail...anyway. You knew Hercules before you met me and Lafayette. You met Hercules in 4th grade and you met Marquis in 10th grade. We've all been best friends ever since..."

"So they are married, correct?"

"Y-yeah. Since last July."

"Ah."  John nodded. "They don't seem like a very happy couple..."

"Oh belive me, they are more than happy the problem is that neither of them can keep it in their pants." Alexander snorted. "So they always seem unhappy when they are in public."

"Oh." John chuckled.

Philip looked at John. "Dad. D-do you still love Papa?" He had a worried look in his eyes.

John looked at Philip. "I-" he looked down at his lap and fiddle with his fingers. "I...don't...k-know." He said at a bit louder than a whisper tone.

Alexander looked at him as a disbelieving sadness fell apon his face. He looked away...he still loved John. Very much...the thought that John might not love him hurt. It felt almost like a bullet right through his ribs. They had so many memories. They got married, bought a house together and most of all, raised Philip. Their son, their beautiful son who was only nine. The son that looked most like John but acted a lot like Alexander.

Philip looked at Alexander. "Papa..?" He walked over to him. He hugged him.

John looked over at them. He felt really bad. They obviously loved him but he didn't know exactly how he felt. He cared for them, yes, but he didn't know if he loved them. "I-...I'm sorry. I-if I could just remember you guys wouldn't be so...sad."

"Dad..." He looked over at John. "What  if you never love papa again? Will I be left with only Papa?" A sheer look of fear and sadness glazed his eyes.

Alexander looked at Philip. "Philip...honey, you will always have two dads...r-right? John?"

Now John felt horrible. He didn't want Philip, supposedly his son, to have to worry about not having two parents. "R-right..." He said shakingly.

"Me and your father will always be here for you Philip...I know it. I doubt that John wouldn't belive you are his son..." he hugged Philip. "You two look way to much alike to not be his son." He chuckled softly.

There was a knock on the door. "Mr. Hamilton." A nurse said as she walked in. "I'm sorry but it's time for John to rest."

Alexander looked at her and let go of Philip. "Come on. Let's go home philip." He stood up, leaving the flowers on the edge of the bed. He gave one last saddened glance at John. The longing for him shone visibly on his face. "G-good-bye...John." he want to say that he loved him but knew that it wouldn't be the best thing to say.

"Bye Daddy..." Philip said grabbing onto Alexander's hand. Just before Alexander and Philip walked out the door way John spoke up.

"Wait...i-i'll try and remember you guys. I will try my hardest...I promise."

"O-okay." Alexander said, choking up a bit. He walked out the door and Philip looked back at John one last time before following Alexander.

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