The perfect date. (Lams)

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John and Alexander were at Barnes and Noble. John had came up with the idea that they pick out books for each other so that's exactly what he was doing.

Alexander looked around, he honestly had no idea what type of book John would want. He went over to the science fiction section. "Maybe he would want something from here..." he said to himself.

Meanwhile John was in the history section, searching. "What would Alexander want?" He picked up a book and read a few pages.

Alexander looked at a book that seemed to have an interesting cover. "I wonder..." he picked it up and read the back. He shrugged and put it back. He new John liked Harry Potter, but John already had all the books. "What would John like? I mean I know he likes star wars...I think."

"Oh! I know." John said and grabbed a book. He looked at it and read a few pages. "Yeah I think he would like this." He smiled and started walking to the check out but ended up getting side tracked.

Alexander finally found a book he thought John would like and started heading to the check out and paid for the book. He walked close to the entrance and waited for John.

John finally five minutes later got to the check out and paid for the book. He looked over at Alexander and smiled.

Alexander looked at John and smiled brightly. Although he was internally screaming because he couldn't handle that John was cute as shit. John, with all his freckles and curly brown hair.

John walked over to him and smiled. "Hi."

"Hello." Alexander continued to smile.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"About five minutes."

"Well at least I didn't keep you waiting too long." John chuckled. Alexander shook his head. "Good." John said and kissed his cheek.

Alexander grabbed Johns hand and laced their fingers together. John smiled and started walking out the door.Alexander looked at John and sighed."Why are you so god damn hard to look away from?"

John shrugged. "Maybe it's because I'm so cute?" He chuckled.

"Probably." Alexander chuckled.

"But if you want to be honest, you are hard to take my eyes off you. It probably has to do something with the fact that you are so handsome." John smiled.

Alexander blushed and chuckled.

"I speak the truth." John smiled. Alexander smiled back.

"You know I'm surprised you even started liking me." Alexander chuckled.

"Are you kidding me? Have you seen yourself? How could I not." John chuckled.

Alexander rolled his eyes and smiled. "Just, how could a sweet thing like you fall for an obnoxious man?"

"I don't know but it happened." He smiled. "But you know, I'm very happy that I did fall for you."

"And I'm happy I fell for you." Alex smiled widely.

John smiled wider and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

John sighed. 'I hope he likes the book I picked out for him...' he thought.

Alexander started looking around and noticed they were getting close to the park. "Why don't we go to the park and give each other the books there?"

John nodded. "That's what I was planning." He smiled.

About five minutes later the went to the park and sat on a bench. John handed Alexander the book. Alexander looked at it and smiled widely. "Thank you, I was actually hoping to get this."

"Well good." John smiled. Alexander handed him the book he picked out for him. John looked at it and smiled wider. "Yes, the new Harry Potter book. I didn't think they would have it in yet. Thank you." He laid his head on Alexander's shoulder. "We should read this together. After all it is a script." He looked at Alexander.

"Yeah we should." Alexander smiled. John opened the book and started reading. The traded off the characters and they stayed there until the whole book was done.

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