No, you need rest. (Lams)

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Alexander couldn't sleep, he had a fever, a stuffy nose and was coughing. He got out of bed and sat down at the desk next to Philip's crib and started writing. Philip wasn't in the crib because he was too little. Instead he was sleeping in John's arms. Alexander had kept coughing and ended up waking up Philip.

Philip looked around for a moment and when he noticed there was only the desk light on and his other father wasn't there he started crying, which of course woke up John.

Alexander looked at Philip and coughed and walked over at sat down on the bed. Not think John was awake yet. "Shhh...philip." he coughed again.

John looked up at him. "Hey, babe I got it." He sat up and cradled Philip.

"John," he coughed again. "No go back to sleep I got him."

"Alexander, you're sick. No."

"I'm not sick."

"Yes you are. Now get some rest. right back." He stood up with baby Philip and walked out to go get him a bottle.

Alexander sighed and coughed. He laid back down. He started coughing more.

"Prop yourself up Alexander!" John yelled from the other room.

"Yeah yeah." Alex said and did just that. He sneezed and had to get up to put the tissues by the bed. He laid back down.

John came back in. He was softly rocking a fresh diapered Philip with a bottle of milk being fed to him.

Alexander smiled softly and coughed.

"Now get some rest. You need it."

"Awe. But...I wanna see my son and my husband, babe."

"And you also need to sleep. You'll get to see us in the morning."

Alexander sighed and sneezed again. "Fine."

"Here if you want me too I'll get you some cold medicine, babe."


John nodded. "Okay I'll be back then."

Soon after John came back with the medicine and handed it to Alexander. "Here." He smiled softly. He looked down at Philip who was almost asleep. He took the bottle out of his mouth and carfully sat down on the bed and put Philip down. He then laid down and put Philip in-between him and Alexander in a small neck pillow and placed a blanket on top of him. Philip fell asleep and John sighed.

Alexander took the medication and put it beside the bed. He looked at John. "I love you."

"I love you too." John smiled. "Now get some rest. I'll have breakfast done in the morning. You can come down anytime you'd like. Just as long as you get rest, Alexander."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright. But I need to write."

"No, you need to rest. I think the office would be fine with you not getting your work done cause you are sick."

He sighed. "Fine. Good night then."

John looked at him and took his hand and kissed it. "Good night, babe."

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